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Saturday, September 06, 2014

Army Psychologist: ‘Direct Correlation’ Between Military Suicides, Psychiatric Meds

(CNSNews.com) – Dr. Bart Billings, a retired Army psychologist who has treated thousands of veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), maintains that there is “a direct correlation” between the increased use of psychiatric medications to treat PTSD and the high rate of military suicides.

A surge of prescriptions since 2005 “coincides with the gradual increase, to this day, of suicides in the military. I feel there’s a direct relationship,” Billings told CNSNews.com, adding that the side effects of medications often prescribed by military psychiatrists include an increased risk for suicide.

“If you take a look at people who commit suicide, most of those people – I would say as much as 80 percent – are on some type of psychiatric medication where there’s a black box warning that indicates caution for suicidality, poor judgment and reasoning, anger and hostility, which can translate to homicide, depression, etc.,” he said.



  1. So now that they have these vets HOOKED on these medications they are just yanking them off of them with no plan B. I know this happened to someone locally and I am really concerned for this persons well being. If there is a death as a result ...it will be at the hands of the doctors in Cambridge.

  2. DUH. Stay off drugs at all costs. Minimize all and test and regulate any you take.

    Just because it's prescribed and covered doesn't mean it's good for you.

  3. Big Pharma is evil. Follow 6:51's advice.

  4. Mind altering drugs of any ilk are bad. there are other ways to deal with PTSD and other issues people have. there are natural supplements, herbs, oils and more that can really help everyone.


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