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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Ben Carson: Obama Says ‘We Are Not a Judeo-Christian Nation’ – But He Doesn’t Get to Decide, We Do

Neurosurgeon and best-selling author Dr. Ben Carson said that although President Barack Obama has claimed America is “not a Judeo-Christian nation,” he is not the one to decide that point, we the people “get to decide that.”

“We as Americans have certain beliefs and cultures that led us to the pinnacle of the world,” said Dr. Carson while speaking at the 8th Annual Defending the American Dream Summit on Friday in Dallas, Texas.

“One of those things is that we are a people of faith,” he said. “I know the president has said that we are not a Judeo-Christian nation. But guess what? He doesn’t get to decide that, we get to decide that.”



  1. No one. Especially the president or even Ben Carson gets to decide our Faith! That was a founding principle. Like it or not.

  2. Is he running for office or simply running his mouth?

  3. 12:22 Running his mouth, he is quite the narcissist.

  4. Sorry, Ben. Nobody gets to decide the religion of another.

    One of the great things about our nation (and our Constitution) is that we are all free to practice whatever religion we choose - or none at all.

  5. The truth sucks doesn't it?
    11:22-You must be a democrat. Your gross ignorance is a clue. WE get to decide our faith and that is what Dr Carson said. Now go brush up on reading comprehension. It may save you from making anymore asinine comments on the internet.
    To the others, you are democrats as well. When you hear the truth and it's not what you want to hear, instead of having a valid defense you attack the messenger.
    Dr Ben Carson is a class act unlike the liar in chief putrid ghetto hustler, who can't even string a sentence together-ah-ah-ah-ah.
    "If you like your insurance you can keep it." "lower health care premiums by $2500."
    "spontaneous reaction to a video."
    It's no wonder the country is a mess with people like you. God help your children if you have any. No child deserves a parent like any of you.

  6. 1:01 Personal meltdown...or what? Hate the sin....love the sinner. This is NOT a personal crime to have an opinion.... settle down PLEASE.

  7. I pray that we do not see Ben Carson run for anything in 2016. He if far off in a corner with the religious right and I really cannot stomach another miracle worker wannabe in the whitehouse.

  8. we are not a Christian country, per se . we are a nation founded on Christian principles, thank da Lord and pass de ammo !

  9. Same here 2:12.Were he elected he would no longer be able to pick his battles because he would have to cope with all issues at once.

  10. Thank you, 1:01, for anchoring the article. Mr. Carson is merely stating here that we all have the freedom to decide the makeup and direction of our country, and the President does not.

    It's a simple statement that says lot; something our Dems just can't come up with on their own, so they want to shoot the messenger, and hit themselves in the foot instead...

    Problem is, there's so MANY of them.

  11. Ben Carson would be a 100% better than the one we have now. Because the Obama aganda is to destroy our country.


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