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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

And he's off! Obama jets out of the country without saying a single word about Steven Sotloff -- three hours after ISIS beheading video is made public

Barack Obama left for a three-day European swing Tuesday afternoon without saying a single word in response to a terrorist video showing the beheading of Steven Sotloff, the second American journalist to die that way on camera.

The president's departure came amid equally deafening swirls of helicopter rotors and tough questions about whether and when the U.S. will strike back in a meaningful and public way against ISIS, the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.

News of Sotloff's execution broke online at 1:05 p.m. as White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest prepared for his daily briefing with reporters; he said four minutes later that he hadn't heard the news.

By 3:40, Obama was lifting off from the South Lawn of the White House on his way to a waiting Air Force One, which was 'wheels up' by 4:00.

Just two weeks ago, the president was widely criticized for being pictured fist-bumping on the golf course minutes after solemnly addressing the nation about an ISIS video showing photojournalist James Foley's death.



  1. It was clearly reported on all news channels, even Fox News, that it would not be appropriate for him to comment until the video was officially verified. Shepard Smith even made a point of this. He commented at the first opportunity in Estonia after the video was confirmed accurate.

  2. 11:19, Do you actually believe the PRESIDENT of the United States did NOT see the video BEFORE the news media? Come on now, get a grip!

  3. 11:19 You are an idiot!!!.

  4. Really don't see the point of this post?? Are you suggesting the President of the United States cower in the White House because of a horrific video? Seems to me that is exactly what the cowards that made the video are seeking. Attention.

  5. The world watches what he does, and acts accordingly.

    Watch out. The Mexican border is WIDE OPEN.


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