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Monday, August 18, 2014

Woman Discovers Her Husband Is Married To Three Other Women After Finding Wedding Photos On Facebook

It’s one thing to discover that your husband is already married. It’s quite another to find this out via Facebook. After snooping around the social networking site, a South Carolina woman discovered her husband is a serial bigamist married to three other women in three states.

The woman from South Carolina, whose identity has been been protected by the Newberry County Sheriff’s Office, filed a complaint with investigators after she saw wedding photos of her husband, 49-year-old Darnell Pixley, with another woman on Facebook.

After looking online she found that her husband was already married to at least three other women and had divorced another…Pixley was arrested Wednesday and charged with bigamy.

The real question is: how does one man juggle four wives in different states without any of them noticing? That sounds like a full-time job!


1 comment:

  1. TRASH...all this is TRASH. We are promoting TRASH and trashy behavior 24/7 in this country with reality tv etc. Can we pull the plug on all this crap????? This country is rotten from the inside out.


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