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Monday, August 18, 2014

Former NBA Star Blasts Al Sharpton for Inciting Racial Violence

Former NBA player Gilbert Arenas blasted Al Sharpton for showing up in Ferguson, Missouri and ginning up angry mobs, saying he’s doing more harm than good in the black community.

According to Breitbart, Arenas says that Al Sharpton is such a polarizing figure that his inserting himself into racially-charged situations actually reduces the chances of justice being done.

Arenas also argued that the black community only hurt itself in riots, because they occur in predominantly black neighborhoods and therefore damage property owned by black families…“About 10 riots from the black community over the years and the only thing damaged, was the BLACK COMMUNITY by The BLACK COMMUNITY,” he wrote.

He also said the victim’s family would be better off seeking help from Caesar, the monkey from “Planet of the Apes.” C’mon, Gilbert, tell us how you really feel!



  1. Sharpton and his ilk are professional race baiters and con men. Look at his history and tell us what positive impact he has had on any public situation he's ever visited.

  2. Gilbert Arenas is not a person I would put much thought in.. research him

  3. Just let Al go.He's doing our work for us.This Ferguson issue has accomplished more in a week than was accomplished in the last 50 years.I am obviously the only person smart enough to see it.

  4. Where are the black leaders of this country. I DO NOT mean Al, Jessie, or the other GOOD OLE BOY bunch. Were are the legitimate, intelligent, educated, well dressed leaders in this country. This country is being high-jacked by low life (black and white). If we could get any other perspective on this issue from decent black America it would be much appreciated. I feel sorry for decent clean living educated blacks in this country. What a horrid mess to have to ignore and hold your head above. What do you tell your children? How do you sleep at night? You cannot rise above with all this garbage pulling you down without speaking out. I shutter when I see all the trash in this country. I tell my children that even if all the kids in school are listening to crap does not mean that I condone it. The old saying "Two wrongs don't make a right." applies here. If there has been a killing....then let us calmly go about punishing the killer...if this was a strong arm episode...let us move beyond it PLEASE. For the sake of this country.... Please lets end this side show. Let these people bury their child and peace come to this country.


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