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Sunday, August 17, 2014

With One Council Member Down, Salisbury Will Make The Right Move With Your Help

There's a lot of talk going on around Salisbury as to who will fill Terry Cohen's shoes on the City Council.

Many have said that Muir Boda is a "shoe in". I can tell you, Muir Boda wasted absolutely no time at all racing into the GOB to put his name in first, that's a fact.

However, Muir is far from being a contender as the City Council recognizes that the Citizens clearly rejected him not once, but FOUR times in past elections.

That being said, the Council will not even consider him as a strong possibility. 

I have been told that several former Council Members have also stepped up to the plate for consideration and they too are on the back burner as they were either rejected by voters or they stepped away from the Council.

The important factor I believe the City Council is considering is not just a replacement. They want to consider people who would be interested in the long haul and not just a fill in. 

All that being said, YOU do have a very serious chance if you've ever considered representing this District. I have even learned that people have applied who don't even live in the City. 

I don't care what side of the political isle you are on, Salisbury needs someone with wisdom and business experience, (in my personal opinion) and now is your chance. 


Jacob Day

Council President
502 Druid Hill Avenue
Salisbury, MD 21801
Cell: 443-235-6233
Email: Jacob Day


  1. What's his email address?

  2. You are supposed to go with the most qualified not your favorite

  3. There you go Joe. map

  4. Muir Boda would be the worst mistake. He can't walk and chew gum at the same time. We don't need any more liberals. Look at the horrible job they are doing now ever since Debbie Campbell left. Shanie Shields just rubber stamps everything. You have the welfare queen herself Laura Mitchell. Fake Day the community organizer just like Obama who has no experience in anything. Then you have the queen himself Jim Liarton.

  5. Have you contacted him?

  6. 12:03
    Click on his name (to the right of EMAIL). If that does not open up your email client right click on his name and select copy email address.

  7. 12:18, No. I have absolutely no interest. Besides, I'd rather be ELECTED then appointed.

  8. Muir Boda is a liberal turned libertarian. Does that make him a liberaltarian?

    It's a shame this didn't happen 2 months later. I checked the rules, and don't qualify since I moved outside the city for a few years.

    Put in your applications, people. Here's a good chance to put your enthusiasm and good judgement to benefit everybody.

  9. As a County employee, son of a small business owner (and worked in this business myself as a manager for 6 years starting at 16 years old) I would LOVE to step up and help my hometown. However, I moved about 5 miles from Salisbury-Fruitland thus do not qualify.

    We need some new blood, great ideas, and great enthusiasm.


  10. They will appoint a true-believer rubber stamp. The nature of libs is group-think.

    Be prepared for a run of bad decisions on a 4-1 vote margin which will have a long-term negative effect on the city and surrounding area.

    The brighter, more productive citizens have been moving outside the city for quite some time. The brain drain has occurred; the replacement will be from the ring around the tub.

  11. Boda showed his true colors when he used his work connections with Walmart to facilitate a political vendetta against the Salvation Army that in the end took clothes and food away from poor kids. We dont need a council member who lacks integrity like that.

  12. Muir Boda is a liberal and has liberal friends such as Laura Mitchell, Josh Hastings, Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Jake Day and the list goes on.

  13. If Josh Hastings was smart he would put in his application since he is their friend. He is also a Liberal, an Independent, and a moderate. He is all those, but he filed as a Democrat.

  14. "Salisbury needs someone with wisdom and business experience, (in my personal opinion)"

    Like you? If you can do it Mr.day why can't anybody, I mean anybody, else?

  15. I agree Josh Hastings should give it a try at the city level before he attempts the county council. Laura Mitchell isn't going to get elected so if he gets appointed he will be with people who are his friends. I can assure you the county council members to be elected are not his friends.

  16. Joe this is an important article for the local citizens and it should be kept at the top for this Saturday, Sunday and even Monday. Time is very import and running out quickly. It would help if more people saw this and commented on it. Thank you for your consideration.

  17. Josh Hastings has been visiting the Powellville community and a church service where he has been telling the church members that he really is an Independent but only filed as a Democrat for this election.

    Well I am having a hard time deciding if he is a Moderate like the newspaper said he is or an independent like he is telling these citizens in Powellville? But then I remind myself that he is a Democrat and was very involved in Laura Mitchell's and Jim Ireton's campaigns. An Independent or Moderate would not be that involved with a very extreme Liberals campaigns so something is not genuine about Mr. Hastings.

  18. Mitchell is temporarily attending Emmanuel Wesleyan, just until elections are held. Just like Tilghman did when she lost mayoral re-election. Can this be an omen? (please, please, please.)

  19. Anonymous will be putting out a video on the backgrounds of all the candidates shortly. They want you to know the REAL truth.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Mitchell is temporarily attending Emmanuel Wesleyan, just until elections are held. Just like Tilghman did when she lost mayoral re-election. Can this be an omen? (please, please, please.)

    August 17, 2014 at 9:17 AM

    Funny how these Democrats who hate religion seem to find religion when it's election time.

    Those old folks in Powellville will crap when they find out Josh Hastings is really a Democrat who loves same sex marriage and he doesn't have a girlfriend himself.


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