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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Salisbury Skatepark

Salisbury Skatepark

Bam! The final design set to begin in October. The blue outlines show phase #1.


  1. There will never be a phase two and ten years from now we will have to pay to have it torn down.

  2. how many fights and drug deals gonna get done around there?

  3. total waste of money. should've
    been used to fix roads.

  4. Not fair! Us pole dancers need a pole park bought and paid for by the tax payers.

  5. There is nothing more wasteful to spend money on, than something that serves such a tiny fraction of the city's populace. While they are at it, they should put in a giant badminton complex or maybe a brand new racquet ball park. What a waste.

  6. A waste now??? Wiat till the lawsuits for injury start to fly....

  7. exactly, maybe a few people will use this... out side of that...

    I agree with one poster who said there will be no phase two and will go to waste and be torn down bc they can't upkeep it...

    But who cares right? you all sure as hell don't care... HOW DO I KNOW? because you sit there typing up comments instead of being proactive... I bet half of you people didn't even show up to vote for the mayor race...


  8. Hope they repave the access road and add bike lanes in both directions to handle the traffic!

    If it will be facing the hoses shown on TV reporting I feel badly for both the destruction of their view and the ensuing noise once it opens.

    Waste of cash.

  9. You are all mistaken. It will be used. It will not be a magnet for crime. Ocean Pines built one years ago. There are no gangs or drugs or vandalism. Same with Ocean City. A church just opened a concrete bowl in Rehoboth. More people skateboard than you can imagine. Just because you have no interest in something doesn't mean it isn't popular. Your negative comments spring from small minds that can see no further than the tips of your noses.

  10. Just a thought.. instead of complaining about a skate park being built, why not encourage it because it is a place where a HOBBY can be exercised. Would you rather your children be ON DRUGS or at a skate park?? Instead of being so negative and saying "oh it will be torn down blah blah blah" look at it from a positive perspective. Kids cant skateboard anywhere else or they will get fined. All the people on this website in the comments do is complain.

  11. I just dont understand why the skatepark has to be this intricate, fancy, or expensive. Why not just a bowl (like OC) or ramps (like Delmar)? Funds should be used for more than just a small subset of kids.

  12. I hope it works out for everyone involved. I just think there are going to be many problems.

  13. Feel sory for the people who have invested in their homes across from this project. There will be noise (probably plenty of bad lanuage) traffic, parking problems , etc. they will have to deal with.

  14. We built one of these once and it didn't work. Doesn't anybody remember? Lawsuits, it was built by the Civic Center

  15. A skatepark is an awesome idea. Ill be there skating as much as i can haha. All the haters should come out and watch how much fun kids have while their skating!!! You can get hurt doing anything. Stop complaining

  16. I am curious if a waiver needs to be signed by those using the park.And yes,I realize that a waiver cannot stop someone from suing,but it helps to reduce the amount.At least the SFD will be just down the street,ready and waiting in the event of an injury.


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