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Monday, August 18, 2014

Will Pa. officials let Perdue violate the Clean Air Act? By Ray Wallace

A year ago Lancaster County, Pa. Commissioner Scott Martin held a media event supporting taxpayer-subsidized Perdue’s application to permanently release hundreds of tons of the hazardous neurotoxin Hexane into Pa. air.

Referring to the fact that Perdue’s proposal had been announced years before, U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts said, "Our country can't afford to keep standing in the way of great opportunities like this one."

Also supporting Perdue’s polluting plans were state Rep. Dave Hickernell and officials from the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority.

Conoy Township Supervisor Gina Mariani urged the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to issue Perdue the necessary permits.

Now, another year later, the Agriculture Council of Lancaster has revealed that Perdue itself is the reason the DEP review continues to drag on:

During start up and shut downs, the hexane levels can apparently be higher than everyday operation levels, and if DEP would accept an "average" hexane level, rather than a daily output level, Perdue would be more willing to agree to DEP's level.*


Perdue continues trying to create a Pa. loophole so it can get away with daily dumping more toxic Hexane into the air than legally allowed by the Clean Air Act.

The short video, "Perdue Vs. Pennsylvania," is here:


...and here:


*The above quote from the Agriculture Council of Lancaster comes from its June 26, 2014 meeting minutes recently posted here: http://www.keeplancastercountyfarming.com/about-us/board-of-directors/board-meeting-minutes/1209-meeting-minutes-from-june-26-2014


  1. Hexane? Butane is in cigaret lighters. Propane is used in barbecue grills, industrial engines, and soldering torches. Methane is a byproduct of decay, and is bubbling up out of the ground and sea in massive quantities every day. Are these substances also neurotoxic?

  2. Yes 9:44 so why would anyway want to allow more contaminates in the air? It makes no sense. Our air is fouled enough already.

  3. Perdue follows the law. EPA go away...

  4. Apparently anonymous claiming that perdue follows the law isnt courageous enough to use his/her real name. Your comment worthless and reeks of fakery. Perdue is the biggest polluter of all outside the fossil fuel energy industry. PERDUE GO AWAY!!! Better yet, go to jail.


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