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Monday, August 18, 2014

UPDATE: Police Believe Father Shot And Stabbed Three-Year Old Daughter During Shootout

Prince George's County police say the 3-year-old girl that died during a shootout with police was shot and stabbed by her father before he was shot and killed by an officer Saturday afternoon.

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner made that assessment, according to police.

The girl's name has not been released.

She was riding in a car driven by her father after he took her after he allegedly shot two people in a home in the 4200 block of Farmer Place in Fort Washington.

Police believe those victims are the girl's maternal grandfather and great-grandmother



  1. Hmmmmm, that's an interesting new report. Seems to me, the first media reports of this incident was that the cops said the little girl was hit by gunfire during the shootouts with the cops. I guess they reconsidered and changed the report, rather than try to explain why they were shooting it out with a guy with a three year old in the car.

  2. Because he had already shot two people and was fleeing the scene in a vehicle. Maybe they fired at the suspect in the car not knowing a three year old girl was in it. Is it possible she could be in the car and you might not be able to see her? Especially if you have tunnel vision and are focused on the guy with the gun. Wait, is this Al Sharpton trying to stir up the next chapter of the race war? Ahhh, pretty slick aint you.Al?


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