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Monday, August 18, 2014

Why Were The Police In Ferguson Told Not To Stop The Rampant Looting On Friday Night?

On Friday night, the city of Ferguson, Missouri was absolutely packed with militarized police. But when the looting started, they did nothing about it. In fact, news reports indicate that the police were lined up just blocks from where the looting was happening but did not make any attempt to stop it. When I first read the news reports that I am about to share with you, I could hardly believe them. I had to read them more than once just to be sure that I was understanding what I was reading.

According to eyewitnesses, police vehicles were seen driving by some of the stores while they were being looted and they did not respond. If the police are not even going to lift a finger to stop rampant theft, then what in the world are they there for? Why don’t they just pack up and leave the streets completely? If they are just there to confront protesters and arrest journalists, all they are accomplishing is inflaming the situation. And is this what we can expect when civil unrest spreads to more cities throughout America? Will we not be able to depend on the police to protect our homes and our businesses?

What I am about to share with you are excerpts from mainstream news reports about how the policedid nothing to stop the looting. To me, this stand down by the police is one of the most disturbing aspects of the Ferguson riots so far.



  1. Because if the white cops stopped the black looters it would be called "Racist".

  2. I watched live feeds on Sat. and Sun. This mornings news stated that the protesters were violent, shooting, ect... which from what I saw was far from that if not the other way around What I saw from 3 different live feeds were the police showed up on peaceful protesters which looked more like people gathered together conversing with one another, then along came the THUG police who started shooting rubber bullets, tear gas at the people, and even at the press, what I saw was horrible, those people were doing nothing wrong, and NOTHING that the news has reported was true, Also when this all began and businesses were being looted and burned down, it wasn't done by the locals, it was done by people who came from other towns and states, it was stated by several locals who were being interviewed on the live feeds.

  3. Get your story straight, 9:13. Either the people were doing nothing, or they were looting and burning. You can't have it both ways. Besides, you are just seeing the story as the media wants you to see it. Wise up.

  4. Need to turn the "Swamp People" loose in Ferguson...choot'em Clint!!! Bet they don't back down.

  5. They didnt do anything because of the political pressure from people like president obama and the author of this article blabbing in complaining about police militarization. ok, you dont like the police? try a night or two without them

  6. Lend justification to thug's actions.

  7. If you don't have a gun you better get one and plenty of ammo.

  8. Darn i am out of rubber bullets!


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