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Monday, August 18, 2014


Salisbury, MD… Wicomico County Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) welcomed students and families to Salisbury Middle School for its 9th annual Back-to-School (BTS) Rally. The BTS Rally is a local presentation of the national NAACP’s “Back-To-School/Stay-In-School “(BTS/SIS) programs, and operates under the theme REACH: ‘Reaching Educational Achievement by Completing High School.’ The purpose of the Rally is to inspire children of pre-k to middle school age to return to school equipped to do their school work and motivated to study and learn in all their classes.

The Rally displayed the talents of young people. Fifth grader Tyler Jones gave a powerful motivational speech. Other student speakers led parents and guardians in reciting the Parent’s Pledge and led students in a pledge to do well in school. The Prince Street ‘CRAZY’ Steppers (CRAZY = confident, resilient and zealous youth) and Moves of Praise liturgical dancers gave stellar performances.

Community and school leaders Dr. John E. Fredericksen, Rick Pollitt, and Sheree Sample-Hughes were among the speakers. Organizations such as the Wicomico Health Department and the Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children provided resources for families. The Edge-u-cators, a band of school employees, also performed. Rev. Mark Thompson served as the emcee.

All students received needed supplies such as books, paper, pens, spiral notebooks, pencils, crayons, folders, backpacks, index cards, scissors, highlighters, binders, etc. [supplies were distributed according to grade level requests]. Businesses and civic organizations such as Pohanka, Pepsi, Life Crisis, the Office of Sen. Barbara Mikulski, and the Salisbury City Police Department donated items or provided funding.


  1. Bet no one showed up lol.

    1. Obviously you were not there. This event is always very well attended.

  2. More freebies given out. Oh the horrors that they should support their own kids.

    1. Community supporting young students is a very positive thing. You need to get a clue.

  3. So, I guess poor white students don't receive any freebies even though they are the real minority now.
    Why should these black students receive preferential treatment?
    Isn't that racist?
    Let their parents work, earn a living and provide for their families. If they don't, they go without. Period.
    Hey black community, show some responsibility!

  4. Back to school rally ?
    First question " how long does it take a car going 80 mph to go 80 miles?"
    Mmmm , all have left the rally.

  5. STOP having kids for the rest of us to support. Just stop.

  6. Ditto, 6:56 AM, statement.

  7. Items donated by Barbra Mikulski and the salisbury police department? Did Mikulski and the cops pay for that stuff personally or did the tax payers get ripped off again? I guess thats a foolish question huh?

  8. Community HAVING more young students is a very NEGATIVE thing on my hard-working pocketbook. Now YOU get a clue. Freebies = good attendance.

  9. Back in the day, we didn't need "rallies" and dance teams to motivate us. LOL. We had TWO parents, both of whom would whip that ace if your grades didn't reflect their expectations.
    We knew that before school started. and were reminded quite often during the year.
    That's why we run the country.
    Dance to that tune.


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