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Sunday, August 17, 2014

White Students No Longer To Be Majority In School

KENNETT SQUARE, Pa. (AP) -- The cheerful sign outside Jane Cornell's summer school classroom in Pennsylvania's wealthiest county says "Welcome" and "Bienvenidos" in polished handwriting.

Inside, giggling grade-schoolers who mostly come from homes where Spanish is the primary language worked on storytelling with a tale about a crocodile going to the dentist. The children and their classroom at the Mary D. Lang Kindergarten Center, near both mushroom farms and the borough's bucolic red-brick downtown, are a subtle reminder of America's changing school demographics.

For the first time ever, U.S. public schools are projected this fall to have more minority students than non-Hispanic whites enrolled, a shift largely fueled by growth in the number of Hispanic children.



  1. Sorry - that doesn't mean that we are required to give up our heritage! This is still USA - the language is still ENGLISH!

    1. Not if this Muslim asswipe president has anything to say about it.

  2. Wow we can apply for all kinds of minority free stuff , free lunch , free school items , free dinner , free health care , free dental , food stamps , housing ,a check every month and a credit card.

  3. It is also due to white flight to private schools -- here the little darlings can avoid contact with kids from the other side of the tracks by going to the Salisbury School, Worcester Country or various church schools.

  4. The GPA just dropped.

  5. Stop eating mushrooms.

  6. 11:30 could it be that the little darling are trying to avoid drugs, gangs, violence and other kids just dragging the educational system down?

  7. went down to oc last night, and I seen Obama's American and it ain't pretty. what useless trash calling themselves humans!

  8. Public schools cater to a subgroup that does poorly in behavior and achievement. If that isn't your child, don't expect much.

  9. Just government supplied daycare, in Texas if you ask the kids, they will tell you they are not there to learn, why should they when the government hands them everything they need! That and with no child left behind they still advance a grade and get a diploma when they can't read nor make change for a dollar.

  10. I was in the Fruitland Walmart around 3 pm today and it looked like the immigration office. No one spoke English and I think I was the only white person in the place.

  11. We need more private and charter school choices in this area.It is expensive but we made the private school decision after an incident at my childs school where a KINDERGARTNER punched a teacher in the nose.Why should good kids get punished for the sake of being PC?

  12. White kids in public schools have not been the majority for quite some time now. Between the blacks, Hispanic, Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans. And no, they are not there to learn. Their parents might get fined if they aren't in school, that's the only reason they are there, plus they get fed while there.

  13. August 10, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    Actually not to be nit-picky ,but the US government never stated English as there main language. It's implied since the country was parted from Britain and the Founders used English, but there isn't a law, or any legal document saying it was English. Like the founder's idea that the government had little involvement in the people's life.

  14. Hot damn - minority status. Does that mean that we get a share of the govt goodies now?


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