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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Obama Says It Was Not His Decision To Withdraw Troops From Iraq

Note how he says that if we still had troops on the ground in Iraq, they would increase his headaches, as they’d have to be reinforced. He doesn’t consider the possibility that if he had not left Iraq so precipitously and then boasted about doing so, the Islamic State might not exist today. This is not to say that the Iraq misadventure was any better conceived or better executed than the one in Afghanistan. It would never have been possible to establish a stable secular republic there. But there is no doubt that Obama’s weakness gave the jihadis an opportunity, and he took it. “Obama calls reporter’s question ‘BOGUS and WRONG,’ but his own words prove otherwise,” The Right Scoop, August 9, 2014:

In order to reassure the American people that he’s a NOT complete dithering fool, Obama held a press conference earlier today before going on vacation (again). The very last question he took got him in a little huff and he rambled on and on about it until he finally called it an analysis that is “bogus and wrong.”…



  1. My friggin hero ! go swimming and try breathing water.

  2. He most certainly did take credit for "ending the Iraq war" to which his low IQ supporters ate up flies eating crap.
    Us intelligent people (who never voted for Obama because we're too smart) knew the real story of the agreement signed by President Bush.
    Liar Biden even bragged on the "stable" country the US was leaving behind.
    The sheer ignorance of the Obama supporters and the democrats in general is astounding. Anymore when someone says they are a democrat what they really mean is I am ignorant beyond belief and am lapping down the BS I'm being fed by the shovelfuls.

  3. This idiot campaigned TWICE on doing just that, bringing the troops home!
    Now he is revising history since he looks like the baffoon he actually is!

  4. What a flip flopping treasonous asswipe.

  5. Bush made him do it!


  6. OweBama Lied; Thousands Died!

    (Things getting kind of icky at the office; world on fire; take a couple weeks of vacay!)

  7. the "liar in chief" lies again...

  8. Funny how he keeps changing his lies. He most ceratinly did pound his chest about all the troops leaving iraq. Patting himself on the back because it was a campaign promise that he made. Now all of a sudden it is not his doing and it was Bush that made the promise to get them out of there. Either way he can't take credit both ways nor can be blame Bush for both. Try to man up for once in your life Obama. Stop playing the "it's Bush's fault"

  9. A man with a very limited view and an even more limited vision of the world.

  10. Bush did it right??

  11. Wow what a great president. Trade a traitor for few of the most dangerous terrorist, let disease and poverty in to the country and now make it easier for invasion from foreign nations.

  12. Has he had any success at anything he has done? Anything?


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