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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Seven Killed, 29 Wounded In City Shootings Over Weekend

CHICAGO — Seven people have been killed and at least 29 others wounded in shootings across the city since Friday evening, police said.

Two people were killed and another wounded in what police said was a “domestic-related” shooting in Roseland late Sunday.

The shooting occurred about 9:55 p.m. in the 400 block of West 104th Street, police News Affairs Officer Amina Greer said, citing preliminary information.

Two people were dead at the scene, said Greer, who added that the shooting is believed to be “domestic-related.”

A man was shot and killed early Sunday in the Humboldt Park neighborhood on the West Side.



  1. Obama,holder, sharpton,Jackson NAACP, black moderates,??? Where are theeee.

  2. Where is the Black community to protest this crap going on.

    So it's ok for them to kill each other but not ok for a police officer to defend himself?

  3. They need to ban guns in Chicago!

  4. Where is Obama on this? He came home from his vacation for Brown. So why his not reacting to this. map

  5. Sounds like a great place to start housing illegal immigrants., maybe they'll decide they've made a mistake and go back home willingly.

  6. Why isn't Holder going there? Because he doesn't give a damn. It's just fine for blacks to shoot blacks. This shows how racist he is.

  7. 29 is not nearly enough to clean that town. Give them more guns.

  8. And people wonder about the militarization of police... Chicago is a warzone... And it is coming to a city near you. All the hand outs and entitlements aren't keeping them happy anymore. No body has any fear of the judicial system... Hell, the President and the media will publically declare you innocent for any crime you commit before any investigation happens. Roll in the freaking tanks... Take this country back, damn shame what we let it become.


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