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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Clinton-Appointed Judge Upholds Maryland’s “Assault Weapon” And “Large” Magazine Bans In Ultra-Biased Opinion

Last week’s ruling by the judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland reminds us why it is important to elect U.S. senators who will reject an anti-gun president’s anti-gun nominees to the federal courts, and to elect presidents who will not nominate anti-gunners in the first place.

On Tuesday, August 12, Judge Catherine C. Blake, appointed to the court by President Bill Clinton, upheld Maryland’s “assault weapon” and “large” magazine ban in the case of Kolbe v. O’Malley.

Plaintiffs argued that the bans infringed their Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms for defensive purposes. As examples, AR-15s and other general-purpose semi-automatic rifles are the most popular rifles for defensive purposes in the United States, and rifle and pistol magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are widely preferred for defensive purposes in guns kept at home and in those carried away from home.



  1. hey I say do with the Thugs do to get your guns illegally protect yourself

  2. Guns don't kill people....

    Liberals preventing people from defending themselves kill people!

    Wake up, use your brain cells, and vote!

  3. "Last week’s ruling by the judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland reminds us why it is important to elect U.S. senators who will reject an anti-gun president’s anti-gun nominees to the federal courts, and to elect presidents who will not nominate anti-gunners in the first place."

    And maybe not to elect judges who are appointed by politicians like our current governor?

  4. It's clear to even the most casual observer that this judge is biased as hell. She seems not to understand interpreted law as the SC has written. In other words, this pos judge has as much right deciding this case as Nancy Pelosi or Dianne Feinstein do.

  5. It's a female judge. Go figure.

  6. Screw the Judges and their Laws, protect yourselves.
    Live Free or Die

  7. Hey Democrats and Obama:Molon labe "come and take"

    u Biatch

  8. This means nothing. Carry on as usual.


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