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Sunday, August 24, 2014



  1. Yup.and that goes for white. Trash to.

  2. You know where to hide a looters food stamps? Under his work boots.

  3. 11:18 RIGHT I agree

  4. I agree, ditto's to above posts but the point is, there are FAR fewer by percentage.
    Black unemployment in the age group of the looters is over 30% by Obama math and is probably in reality much higher than that.

    The black community must face the problem of thug culture.

    1. Not when u have generations of family members getting. FREE sh/t ,y whoud they???

  5. Would you be "LMAO" if this same situation were local? 'Cuz it is not too far fetched that our area could be in the same situation some day, unless big changes come to America.

    How many Baltimoran Thugs could find their way across the big bridge to destroy our town?

  6. Race relation has taken a 30 year set back thanks to Sharpton, holder and Obama.

  7. You never truly know someone until you've walked a mile in their stolen shoes.

  8. Stocking up on flip flops before the next presidential election.

  9. All students would work harder in school if there was no welfare. Why work in school when you have no intention of working a day in your life?

  10. Now thats funny!!! Sadly probably without a doubt truthful!!!!

  11. How many Baltimoran Thugs could find their way across the big bridge to destroy our town?

    August 23, 2014 at 8:17 AM

    Hopefully the same amount that get shot.

  12. This is an outrage!! By the time I arrived there was not one single pair of shoes in my size.

  13. 8:51 - except work boots - oh I'm sorry, you steal, instead of work! My bad!

  14. Obama loves that Black and White Trash they vote Democratic

  15. Anonymous said...
    Obama loves that Black and White Trash they vote Democratic

    August 24, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    Obama knows that Democrats are easily influenced by entitlements and partisan politics. He is a puppet and who ever is pulling his strings is trying to take over this country and the democracy we once knew. Stand by. While you are waiting please go rent the Hunger Games and put yourself in the shoes of the people picked to play the games. The Hunger Games is the future of America.


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