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Sunday, August 24, 2014

‘No different than supporting ISIS': Libs work to take down fundraising page for Officer Darren Wilson

Shaun King, founder of Upfront Media Group, is leading the charge to have a GoFundMe page supporting Ferguson, Mo., Officer Darren Wilson taken down.

“This page has been created to support Officer Darren Wilson of the Ferguson Police Department,” reads the page. “We stand behind Officer Darren Wilson and his family during this trying time in their lives. All proceeds will be sent directly to Darren Wilson and his family for any financial needs they may have including legal fees.”

King claims the fundraiser violates GoFundMe’s terms of service, calling it “a thin veil for people rewarding Wilson for killing a black kid.”




  2. This so called kid was 18 years old, so he is a Man, not a kid. Why is it that they always do this crap? If he had been a sex offender or serial killer he would be called a man, not a kid.

  3. Ck online he is in pics holding. Guns...

  4. So I guess the donations to the strong arm robber, drug user, wanna be cop beater/killer thug's family are ok?

  5. "If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you".There,that takes care of the legal expense,or did you all want some big shot attorney to represent him? You shouldn't unless you have a major axe to grind or a point to make,because he would have given you the same option had you been arrested.

  6. "he would have given you the same option had you been arrested."

    Do you have even the remotest understanding of what's happening here?

  7. Ask what out local paper thinks of law enforcement

  8. I guess the cop punched himself hard enough to fracture his eye socket, huh?. As tough as I am on the police, when you ATTACK a cop, or ANY armed man, you take the very real chance that you did something you'll regret.
    Good for the cop. Which dummy thinks its okay to walk into a store and, because you are real big and no one can stop you, TAKE whatever you want?
    "When you look for trouble, don't complain when you get some".
    I LOVE that philosophy.

  9. Somebody pick me up off the floor!

    You and I are in 100% agreement Imclain.

  10. 12:09 PM

    The kop did not and does not have a broken eye socket. No offense buddy, but can't anyone read and follow up on stories on their own?

    I know Joe makes it easy for most, but sometimes you have to do your own homework.

  11. August 22, 2014 at 10:28 PM
    You forgot to add that he was 6ft 4in and weighted 292 lbs. He so much was like a kid and not an adult

  12. You forgot to add that he was 6ft 4in and weighted 292 lbs. He so much was like a kid and not an adult

    August 23, 2014 at 6:25 PM

    With four gunshots in one arm. Yeah, he was a real threat alright.

  13. They actually did take it down......and opened another one so that people can use the donation as a tax deduction. Brilliant!


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