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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pole Dancer On The Boardwalk

The Dispatch

A new type of street performer created quite a stir on Saturday night at 2nd Street. The woman collected tips while showing off her skills as a pole dancer on the Boardwalk. This photo was taken Saturday evening on the Boardwalk and it's the first time we have heard of this all summer. This comes on the heels of last week's concerns expressed by city officials about costumed Boardwalk performers.


  1. Nice family resort.

  2. Good, she's nor wearing any costume! Such a family friendly place now that the costumes are gone!

  3. I am going to sit across from her on a bench maybe a lap dance is next.

  4. Careful that's my sister.

  5. Good family entertainment!

  6. That's the way Maykrantz started his troubles

  7. Whats the big deal?
    Gonna ban bathing suits at the beach?

  8. If you don't like it don't watch!

  9. There are places like adult clubs for this kind of thing. If OC wants to tout itself as a family resort, this doesn't need to be showcased on the boardwalk in front of young children and those with morals who would find this offensive.

  10. America.


    What's the problem?

  11. Hahahaah, the council members must be absolutely apoplectic. I can see them foaming at the mouth and stumbling over each other to be the first to scream "baned!"
    Cue new legislation in 3..2..

  12. The OC Council...what a joke. They won't do a thing about the crime, the thugs, or the intimidation going on all night long, but they will surely act on this!

  13. This is the result of years of Ocean City turning it's back on what really constitutes a family resort. Too many of the attractions are gone, replaced with cement condos. Too many establishments that rely on their alcohol sales to exist.
    Catering to certain sub cultures like the skate board crowd which is now out of control.
    Poor forward thinking and planning skills.
    It will not get any better until this council "majority" thinks as the previous "majority" did and that's "ever action has both positive and negative effects."
    Don't jump to vote on something just because of the positives because 1 negative can potentially cancel out a multitude of positives.

  14. Well, did she put on a good show and did you donate???

  15. I know exactly how this can be stopped. The pole base is an obstruction. Can't really tell from the picture but it certainly is taking up a good percentage of the Boardwalk.

  16. I was at Plim Plaza and saw the whole thing. She wasn't very good at it. I do understand parents not wanting to answer questions from their little kids about this. There is a time and place for everything. She probably could have made more tips if she could actually do an actual "performance" longer than 9 seconds, she had to keep taking cigarette breaks.

  17. 9:02, Why do I get the feeling you are full of crap.

  18. She doesn't show any more than most other women on the boardwalk and on the beach. I'm not offended.

  19. This as well as many more of the Boardwalk Obstructionists all calling themselves "street performers" could be stopped.
    Town officials have gotten shy since losing a recent lawsuit concerning this issue.
    What they need to do is retain an attorney who specializes in municipal law.
    Seems to me I heard a few of them got busted recently by immigration officials for not following the terms of their Visas.
    Curbing this can be accomplished. It's just a matter of knowing the right legal maneuvering to take when crafting ordinances.

  20. Finally a street performer I want to watch.

  21. 9:27, it's called ART. I'm always amazed at how liberals always want laws changed to fit their wants and needs, yet so many approve gay marriage, two men/woman walking hand and hand on the boardwalk, that's OK? Two men/women kissing on the beach, that's OK?

    However, when a beautiful woman who happens to be in much better shape than your spouse performs an art you get pissed off.

    No, it shouldn't be hidden in dark bars. I spent a lot of my life in New York City where people perform incredible things on a subway train, stations and the streets. If and when we enjoyed it, we would stop and watch and then put a few dollars in their jar and move on.

    In most cases, most people would never even be able to AFFORD to go to a SHOW and see such talent.

    I agree with others. If you don't like it, move on. However, there are too many liberals who think this is sexual and it must be stopped.

    IF the Council wants to make ANY changes in legislation, perhaps they'll consider a specific area of the boardwalk in which they'll allow performances. Mind you, I said ON THE BOARDWALK and not off the boardwalk. They have specific areas for surfers and I believe it will help those families not wanting to see certain things to stay far enough away.

    Aren't liberals all about the ARTS anyway?

  22. Wait a second here, Joe. I consider myself a liberal and have no problem with this.

  23. 9:43, Obviously you refrain from using your real name because your party might shame you from agreeing with such art/performances. I'm not attacking you, just pointing out the obvious.


  24. My observation is general to all of the varied 'performers'. Have absolutely no objection to attractive women but find all of the buskers objectionable for blocking space on the boards.

    By taking up space beyond what they need for their personal body, say 2'x2' they effectively are blocking others from moving about or standing immediately adjacent to themselves.

    What legal theory gives them the right to occupy a larger footprint for an extended period of time?

    This performer's platform seems to present a trip hazard that might cause injury to pedestrians. And her supplies occupy an even larger footprint. Does she carry insurance?

    Perhaps the revenue agents should video the daily performances of these folks and then compare reported income?

    This would serve two purposes: Temporary employment to many seasonal revenue agents and a disincentive to the 'performers' to hang out on the boards.

    I view the boards as just a different sidewalk; would these folks be permitted to block a regular sidewalk?

    OC taxes its regular shops and services in many ways; they need to get their pound of flesh (pun intended) from the buskers.

    This particular performer is offering something that has usually been considered adult, indoors entertainment.

    Complaining is useful; possible solutions are better.

    OC stipulates surfing areas of the beach and changes the designated locations on a schedule, for public safety and to accommodate all beach users.

    Perhaps they should designate a daily 'busker block' to meet the 'need' for this on a first come, first served basis. Thus no regular merchant would suffer or profit unduly by busker presence.

    And other boardwalk patrons would only be entertained or inconvenienced in a one block stretch.

    Taking it one step further: 3 different blocks each day for 4 hour intervals. One would be 8am-noon; another noon-4pm; the third 4pm-8pm. No early set-ups or late tear downs. If all the 8am space was taken a would be busker could prepare for a later opportunity at the next location.

    Just food for thought.

  25. Better than 90% of the performers and bands in the area.

  26. 9:58 sounds like a "control freak" to me...

  27. actually went down to oc's boardwalk this weekend. first time in several years. I was appalled at the freak show on the boardwalk. I can't remember the last time I seen so many unkempt disgustingly fat uneducated slobs of every race creed and culture in one place. Welcome to Obama's America! Never will bother to go there again!

  28. She should be wearing stripper heels, though. Barefoot stripper? No thanks.

  29. Another reason to go to the Delaware or Carolina beaches

  30. 10:47. I feel the same way every time I go to Walmart.

  31. This is great!! Finely something for the men that aren't drunks to enjoy! I hate the high price, noisy bar scene, this is fine. Real 1st. amendment entertainment, just what every town needs, it is about time the eastern shore got into the modern time! Men love to look at good looking women, and she is defiantly that! I see another huge lawsuit settlement coming to this woman from the fogies on OC council!

  32. She won't be back I don't think. I bet as soon as she set up she realized her mistake. She doesn't have enough clearance around the pole to dance. It's been said all over by those who saw her, than she never really danced and this is why. She was at risk of injuring not only herself but others if she had actually danced.

  33. You would not be allowed to pole dance on the subway in NY. Performing on the subways is subject to time place and manner regulations.

  34. 12:38, Did I say pole dancing in the subway, no.

  35. 9:58
    "I view the boards as just a different sidewalk; would these folks be permitted to block a regular sidewalk?"

    Answer to your question is yes they would.

    "Perhaps they should designate a daily 'busker block' to meet the 'need' for this on a first come, first served basis. Thus no regular merchant would suffer or profit unduly by busker presence."

    Courts ruled against this.

    If you don't like the buskers just pretend you don't see them and run into them and knock them over. Then apologize. Worked for Tony Stewart.

  36. To call this "art" is laughable. For the feeble minded maybe or those who don't get out much maybe to them it's art but not to those more worldly it's not.
    Belly Dancing is an art but not this. This is just stupid.

  37. So the puritans allow disgusting tee shirts exploiting women along the boardwalk but feel she's offending?Let her be

  38. I believe it would be the other way around. Conservatives would be the group most opposed to something like this. I'm a staunch financial conservative, but many conservatives would call me a liberal based on social views. I believe people should be able to do whatever the hell they want (to an extent obviously), as long as they are doing no harm to others.

  39. Trash! The police enjoyed it just as much as the rest. People love for this and it's just disgusting!

  40. So, let me get this straight.... First amendment rights trampled by not allowing people to use profanity on the beach, but this is going on? I thought OC was getting "family friendly."

    All someone needs to do to get rid of many of the costumed characters is place a few phone calls to Disney. Copyright infringement was all over the place with a threadbAre Mickey Mouse and Ariel, the little mermaid, not only costumed as such, but fearlessly blasting the Disney soundtrack through her boom box.

  41. 3:23 You're a libertarian

  42. Good for her. Don't like it, don't watch.

  43. Nothing like good family entertainment. where do they sell child size blindfolds?

  44. 3:53 has a point. You can not profit off of someone else's copyright.
    I did a quick Google search to see how Disney does react to copyright infringements and it appears as though New York city is experiencing the same problem with these costumed street hustlers as OC and have contacted Disney who don't seem in any hurry to do much about the copyright infringement. Article I found was from last month.

  45. ART? Ok to each their own - but are you gonna support her in the winter when there isn't anyone on the beach? Yeah you will - unemployement - oh wait - NO TAXES are taken out - so WELFARE?????? Is She reporting her TIPS as income???? Tips are income!!!!!


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