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Sunday, August 17, 2014

47 News Interviews Pole Dancer on the OC Boardwalk

Mind you, WMDT only drew "19" views on this video. Let's see what the numbers look like by the end of today.


  1. She is pathetic.

  2. Maybe a commentary on your readers rather than your site.

  3. We guess we know where you stand on her performance when you say "talent". If it was a set of parallel bars, would you feel the same? (Mentally picture that for a moment, folks!)
    I'm not a big pole dancing fan, but trying to separate her behavior and dress from others' who whoop it up on and near your beach in next to no clothing is, at best, a futile effort. it looks as though her two-piece covers much more than theirs, and is, unlike theirs, in compliance with OC's nothing-peeking-out laws.

    Good luck in court, OC.

    Joe, I think your're going to do better than 19 hits on this post.

  4. looks better than most of the white trash I seen down there on that boardwalk!

  5. It's the pole. People would be accepting of a Belly Dancer or a Flamenco dancer, but because using a pole as something to create an effect has it's US origins in strip establishments is why people are offended.

  6. Funniest video I watched in a long while! Thx for the morning laugh Joe!

  7. GET A REAL JOB - what are you gonna do in the winter - WELFARE!!!!

  8. Hey Mr. Interviewer... Here's a few questions you REALLY missed:
    1. How did you come up with the idea to do this on the Boardwalk?
    2. Do you think your parents would be proud?
    3. Are you doing this for the sake of "art" - or are you just doing it for the money?
    4. Do you split any of your tips with a pim... sorry, a manager?

    If either one of our so-called TV news outlets had any idea at all in what they were doing with reporting, they would do an in-depth investigation of this proliferation of "artists" along the 'boards.
    With the exception of the musicians - and the true street performers or "buskers" - they would find that almost 100% of them are hired, protected, and keep a very large percentage of the take - tips - for these acts (especially the Henna Tattoo stands) by a handful of somewhat shady non-American mid-Easterners, who could not care less about the Constitution, America, or, most certainly, Ocean City.

  9. A belly dancer of a flamenco dancer whose other job isn't being a street walker.

  10. She looks like another liberal with nothing else better to do with her time. Too bad Ocean City can't do anything about this - would rather watch the guy that is painted in gold riding his bicycle!

  11. "2. Do you think your parents would be proud?"

    Probably. We are dealing with the epitome of White/Trailer Trash here.

  12. Very pretty, very intelligent, not hurting anybody, leave her alone. I had rather my children see this girl on a pole than see the tattooed freaks walking around every where these days.

  13. That was painful to watch.

  14. Good story Joe! Sure didn't sound like the public was torn up, matter of fact, they spoke. Go Chelsea

  15. 8:49-and that's where OC made a huge mistake. It seems their legal dept is completely inept. They define the artists and craftspeople as performers when they are vendors who can be permitted and required have a valid business license. A lot of people think that is why Rutherford jumped at the chance to defend the artist because they saw an easy victory due to this mistake.

  16. Lol this story actually hit the Drudge Report. Who would expect that a pole dancer in OC would cause such a ruckus.

    I used to work near Pole Power here in Salisbury. Its a dance studio that teaches woman how to pole dance. I saw what appeared to be a lot of house wives using this dance method to get in shape and have fun.

    To me there is nothing offending about it when you compare the dance moves of even some of the Teen's you see on Disney channel.

    A kid walking down the boardwalk is not going to look at a pole dancer and think of strip club because they don't have that frame of reference in mind.

    It seems that people let their own perverted minds take over and assume everyone else thinks the same way when they see a pole dancer.

  17. 8:49 is a moron and has apparently not seen the filth that goes on at the Inlet on Friday/Saturday nights

    You say that 100% of the buskers are hired by middle-eastern gentlemen and then imply this girl has a pimp. I also love how you say that buskers are "protected" like the buskers are part of the mafia

    Changing gears here - Instead of worrying about this performer's act, perhaps the Council should look at ways to clean up the fighting, drug dealing/smoking, and other filth on the Boardwalk

  18. This TV reporter seemed to have a negative agenda in his line of questioning. Who says it's up to him to make her feel bad or ask he whether she's doing anything wrong or should feel ashamed? She owned the interview especially when she got the crowd to cheer for her at the end.

  19. 9:29-Can't you read. The comment you referenced didn't say 100% of the street performers. It excluded the real street performers. The costumed character buskers were the focus of an immigration investigation as reported in the Dispatch. It does appear as though they are working for someone and not just independent persons engaging in street performing.
    Please get your facts straight before commenting.

  20. How many decades has it been since OC - especially the Boardwalk at night - was a "Family Town"? Never took my kids into a throng of drug dealers/users, PDA (Public Display of Affection) that goes far beyond hugging and kissing, and body displays that would embarass attendees at a nudist camp.

    The girl kept her clothes on, thankfully, and did no suggestive moves. Shame the same can't be said of so many others around her.

  21. I saw a pathetic looking guy in a worn out spiderman costume which didn't fit very well while wearing slippers, a guy wearing a poorly homemade ironman suit several violin players who were terrible along with all the assorted white trash and tattooed freaks from every race color and creed letting their big fat bellies hang out and you folks are worried about this girl? Seems to me she just might be one of the better sites to see in that freak show they call a family resort!
    Maybe she's just trying to class the place up a bit!

  22. Men have been doing this for years. They just do it in two story fire departments.

  23. and they call that reporting seems msm doesnt know much about interviewing or getting any kind of information clueless

  24. It's obvious that the majority of reporters and staff at wmdt are gay. Of course they are going to target a beautiful straight woman making a living from people who want to give her money. They should shut up and start pole dancing on Rehoboth while the mayor cheers them on.

  25. I thought David was being objective & asked appropriate questions without interjecting his opinions.Any controversial topic is difficult for a reporter to tackle.

  26. 10:49 - while our mayor cheers them on!

  27. i am heading down there tonite to watch her its better then looking at my wife

  28. Nothing better to do than harass this young person???? Wonder how many pick-pockets atr at work in this crowd..

  29. 9:22. Respectfully, you are wrong.
    This is considered art - Freedom of Expression - by the US Constitution, and by State courts who ruled on it last year.
    The Town of OC did no wrong.

  30. Ocean City a Family Town? What a joke that is when was the last time you people that are calling her names have been to the Boardwalk at night? Wake up she has done nothing wrong!

  31. This is so effing funny!!
    Emily Lampa busting on this beautiful girl with her fingered quotation marks for "talent".
    I'd like to see Ms. Lampa try it!!
    Well on second thought, no I wouldn't. She wouldn't do this any better than her untalented reporting or attempts at anchoring.
    Pathetic MDT, simply pathetic.

  32. 9:29...
    Moron? More like a genius. Read the breaking news at this moment.
    One more thing: If you think I'm wrong about the 'handlers' of these artists, just follow the "mid-eastern gentleman" as he makes his rounds to all 10 or so costumed characters every few minutes.
    He will empty the contents of the tip bucket, count it, and put a few bills back in the bucket, then go on to the next character.
    One guy - just ONE - controls ALL the costumes.
    Mafia? Sort of....

  33. She is hot! I am going to ask her out on a "Date"!

  34. 10:53 By what measure do you consider this to be controversial??

  35. 9:17 Any parent that would want to have their children see a woman gyrating around a pole in a bikini is sick.

  36. 11:10-Both cases were settled. You are incorrect in saying this is considered art by the court rulings. The art ruling involved a spray paint artist who was selling his creations. You are correct on the freedom of expression though.

  37. Obviously you must not be doing a good job raising your children IF they feel the need to stop and look.

    IF your children are with you while you walk the Boardwalk I would assume you would distract them and move on without any damage.

    IF your children are on their own on the Boardwalk then what kind of parent are you to let them loose and view all the suggestive tee shirts.

    At some point you have to let your children grow up.

    I believe that cable TV and the Internet causes a LOT more damage then a clothed woman on a pole.

  38. 11:17, I assume many "respectable gentlemen" will be asking her out on a "date", which I'm sure she will be happy to oblige!

  39. well, i hope no one is surprised when some perv gets arrested for public masterbation during her "act". i wouldn't be surprised if this woman didn't do this just hoping oc would shut her down so she could sue them. i can promise you that when they wrote the constitution, no one realized that they were protecting someone's right to pole dance in front of children. i'm far from being a prude but if i am taking my family to the boards for a fun night the last thing i want to see is someone hanging from a pole, dressed like a stripper.

  40. Obama can destroy the world and the press is reporting on pole dancing, what a disgrace to be a journalist today.

  41. Kids watch much worse on tv and the cable channels. Crisfield should invite her to perform at Crab Derby, that would help attendance.

  42. I would love and pay money to see Jemi Lee try out the apparatus on the OC boardwalk.

  43. 10:24, I agree. What if the person was a man? Would there be a concern by all then?

  44. It could be worse. It could be Nancy Pelosi or Billary on the pole.

  45. 11:42:
    The spray paint case was a test case, which he won of course.
    The effect of that ruling gave pretty much blanket coverage to ALL types of art, and opened the floodgates of what we are seeing now.
    Pasting a tattoo on somebody's arm: art. Blowing a kazoo to music from a boombox: art. Sliding up and down a pole: art. Standing in the middle of Atlantic Avenue (the Boardwalk) in a Sponge Bob costume: art.
    For all you folks that see nothing wrong for your kids - any kids - to observe a girl in a bikini gyrating up and down a pole, theoretically, according to the court's ruling, that girl could bring her pole in front of your home, on your public street, and perform that act all day long. That is the court's ruling.
    The only reason she isn't on your street is 'cause there's no money on your street.
    You see nothing wrong, I ask? Imagine this:
    "...OK kids, off to school... Don't be late for the bus. Say hi to the bikini lady on the pole for me...".
    You OK with that?

  46. I'll bet anything this one of Maykrantz's riders!

  47. At least she is cute and trying to make a few bucks by doing something instead of standing on a corner with a cardboard sign saying she is homeless and needs help. I would give he $20 and watch her, she is a whole lot better than watching the wife fill her face with chips and soda!

  48. 1:33 please so much ado about nothing. I've seen much worse on the tv or even walking down the boardwalk in oc. What planet are you living on. Personally I don't let me kids watch such trash and I surly don't take them to oc.
    Now get a life!

  49. 2:07:
    I applaud you for the good parenting by shielding your kids from the trash and tawdry behavior that is today's society.
    Back in the day, parents would open their kids eyes to this behavior and have a serious sit-down with them explaining what is wrong about it and why it is wrong.
    Keep hiding your kids away... I'm SURE they'll turn out just fine.

  50. The entire nation has become a sex media , so , enjoy , she's not breaking any law.

  51. 4:04 when I was a kid Parents did not have to explain this to their kids. People had enough decency to consider the reaction in kids. You cannot explain that to a teenage girl who thinks the only way to get attention is to act out and dress like a slut. Everywhere you go this stuff is crammed into young girls and is extremely damaging to self esteem. No matter how good your parents are at telling you that this is wrong. Society says something else and encourages it. That is why so many girls are obsessed with appearance rather than value. It also damaged the boys by making them think that that is what they should see in women. This is a terrible cycle. Unless you have a daughter or have ever been a teenage girl I do not expect you to understand.

    1. I understand completely. And I thank you for making my point so well to the people that see no harm in this exhibition on a family-oriented resort street. I think we're both on the same page.

  52. Let me see now , she not burning any store in OC , she's not robbing anything , she's not using her actions as an excuse like the butt heads are doing in the Midwest .
    If you don't like it, call Al Sharpton , he will make it better.

  53. If O.C. had thoughfully and carefully mapped out a dress code for the boardwalk which could withstand court challenges, this, nor the scantily clad aliens, would be an issue.
    As long as they're turning a blind eye to attire (No Cursing!), this kid's got every right to turn a buck from the tourons.

  54. 4:42 How in the world can you have a dress code at the beach? People actually go from the beach to the boardwalk and then back to their hotels condos etc.

  55. Over 100 bars in Ocean City and one pole dancer, just remember this is family resort. You see much more skin with the people coming off the beach. The only thing that O.C. Cares about is the money.

  56. 11:22-I consider it controversial by virtue of 56 comments thus far.If it wasn't controversial it would just be another boardwalk performer that one would only see by visiting OC.

  57. let's all act like we have a little common sense. of course it's not inappropriate or offensive if someone walks off the beach in a bikini and takes a stroll on the boards (unless they are really fat lol)
    however,it would be inappropriate if the same person were to, for example, lay down on the boardwalk and begin to spread their legs and gyrate around. you people are muddying the issue. it's not how she is dressed, it's what she is doing. either way, oc will have to drop it's "family vacation" campaign if that is what the families are going to see when they get here. the town opened itself up for this when they got greedy and decided to cheapen the boardwalk experience by selling "permits" to anyone and everyone to set up shop and try to make a tax free buck.

  58. 8:28:
    With all due respect:
    The Town did NOT "decide to get greedy" an issue permits. It was their way of attempting to control what they (correctly) envisioned as a possible problem in the future.
    Then there was the test case.
    It turns out that our forefathers decided about 200 years ago that America would not suppress freedom of expression.
    Do you really think, 8:28, that this town wants to see what is going on at the Boardwalk today? If you do, then you can stop reading this post right now.
    Listen: OC is a business. I will admit to that. More a business than a Town. This Town/business generates 100's of millions of dollars into the state's coffers every year. It's a BUSINESS.
    Do you actually think that anyone in this town would get greedy enough to give a $20 permit to just anyone to let them "try to make a tax free buck."?
    I'm wasting my time... Your post is pure idiocy.

  59. The thing that people are forgetting/do not realize is that the court rulings were specific to the way the OC ordinances and permitting process was done.
    1000's of other cities in the country do require permits for street performers and have some sort of regulations over them. The rulings were due to OC's not passing the Constitutionality test.
    It was determined that OC had no compelling reason for issuing permits other than for the sake of control over street performers, a 1st amendment violation.
    In the other ruling the judge found OC's regulations to be too non specific and were written with bias and not applicable across the board.
    The city got themselves in the mess by not crafting ordinances concerning this that would serve the public but still not violate an individual's rights.

  60. Bunch of hypocrites... What is the difference between that and letting your teenage children go to a Justin Bieber concert?

  61. 11:06:
    A public street.

  62. OC a family town? This must be a joke, I have lived here all of my life and OC is the farthest thing from a Family Town. Just look at the freaks that are walking up and down the boardwalk. If parents were truly good parents, they'll discourage their kids to stay-a-way from the drug infested, criminal, sexual deviants. It hasn't been a family town for over 50 years now.

  63. 9:00AM:
    My grandkids came down to OC last week to stay with us for a week.
    We went to Assateague to see the ponies; we crabbed off our dock; we went to Ripley's; we had Thrashers; we played Old Pro Golf (every night!); we had a crab feast at a local crab house; we rode bikes on the boardwalk; we went downtown at night to see the fireworks. We even went to a "bar" that had a playground for the kids. We built castles in the sand; we rode the waves together; we made new friends with people from at least five different states that were sitting around us on the beach.
    Not once - not ONCE - did we encounter "criminal, sexual deviants" during our week.
    I guess we were just lucky.

  64. To 4:20 PM Poster -

    I think you need to scroll up just a few slides and read about the Sifrit's (Sins & Secrets) - and what happened in OC, MD.

    After you review this event - and should you still decide to party in OC - then it's obvious that your life is your own peril.

    I can tell you about countless similar events - whereby people have found themselves in trouble - in and around OC.

  65. To 7:34PM:
    ["... should you still decide to party in OC - then it's obvious that your life is your own peril...]
    You really can't be serious to say that people should not go to OC - or any city - because of a what happened with a couple of psychos many years ago?
    Do you not drive because of carjacking? Drunk drivers?
    Do you not fly because of 9-11?
    Do you not walk outside because of muggings?
    I could go on - but you catch my drift.
    With all due respect, your comment is ridiculous.

  66. OC is just like anywhere else in that most crime victims become so because they do something that puts them in a high risk situation. The Sifrit victims for whatever reason decided to go home with the Sirfits, a couple they had just met a few hours before so 7:34 your comment is just silly unless of course you haven't a problem going home with virtual strangers.

  67. I love it 4:20! I had a similar experience when my nephew, his wife and my 4 year old niece visited from a suburb of Baltimore.
    Not only did we meet some other great families on vacation, but yesterday my nephew and his family met their "new friends" who are from Lancaster PA and also have a 4 year old daughter, at the Turkey Hill Ice Cream plant in Lancaster PA and they all toured it. They've made plans to get together so the girls can ride the Santa train in Lancaster in December.

  68. Remember when the only street performers were the blind man playing the banjo with his dog and the Hare Krishnas?

  69. Anyone know why John Robinson is such a fan of CC Pole Doll?
    Citizens for a Family Boardwalk in OC are asking on their FB?


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