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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Orlando Muslims Openly Support Terrorist Group Hezbollah

This Orlando rally was unique in that it was called the al Qods Day Rally and we had a couple of honest pro Hamas Muslims proudly waving the flag of Hezbollah in support of Iran. 

Al-Quds or Qods Day? Iranians rallied nationwide on Friday in a show of support for Palestinians as archfoe Israel pursued its campaign against Hamas and other groups in the Gaza Strip. 

In Tehran, footage showed demonstrators, carrying placards proclaiming “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” converging from nine different points on Tehran University in the city center. 

One can only assume the Orlando Muslim community knows very well what happens in Tehran on the last Friday of Ramadan since 1979. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran, leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. stole Yazdi's idea, and on August 7, 1979, he declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan each year as Quds Day, in which Muslims worldwide would unite in solidarity against Israel and in support of the Palestinians. 

Khomeini declared the liberation of Jerusalem a religious duty to all Muslims. Did you get that?? It is a religious duty not a political duty for all Muslims to rid the Middle East of Israel. 

Everyone knows the liberation of Jerusalem means removing all Jews from Jerusalem and returning to the pre-1948 borders. 

What makes me sick are the leaders of this Orlando Rally were trying to deceive all Orlando non-Muslims by calling this a rally for freedom. 

The fact of the matter is this Quds Day rally represents the destruction of Israel. The two Hezbollah supporters were the only two honest people there who were acknowledging Iran and Hezbollah in their support for Hamas and the Palestinians. 

Now that you know the history of Al-Quds and what it represents you can see the Orlando Muslims present did not disagree with the politics behind Quds Day or the terrorist Hezbollah flag. 

The Orlando Muslims knew that supporting Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, and the destruction of Israel just aren't all that popular here in America. 

I just wished there were some Muslims in Orlando who were brave enough to stand against the terrorist country Iran and terrorists of Hamas whose goal is obliterate Israel. 

Hopefully, one day soon the Muslims in Orlando will stand against this type of blind support for the terrorists of Hamas and Iran. 

Maybe one day soon we can all hope for the segment of the Orlando Muslim's who stand with America to become vocal and overpower those voices in support of Hamas and Hezbollah. 

Unfortunately, this year is not that year.


  1. Remove them from Florida

  2. They are providing material support to terrorists. Remove them from life.

  3. would have been the perfect time to turn iran into glass


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