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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Islamic State Militants Appear to Behead American Photojournalist in Graphic Video

A new video posted online Tuesday purportedly shows Islamic State militants beheading an American journalist.

The nearly five minute video, titled “A Message to America,” depicts a man believed to be missing photojournalist James Foley being beheaded by a militant.

The video opens with a message from the Islamic State, attacking President Barack Obama for recently directing airstrikes against the terror group.

“Obama authorizes military operations against the Islamic State effectively placing America upon a slippery slope towards a new war front against Muslims,” the video said.

Then the shot pans over to Foley, who speaks into the camera.



  1. Muslims are sick people-every single one of them. This so called religion has been hijacked so badly that each and every Muslim should be saying enough is enough and disavow it in it's entirety.
    There is no good reason to have this so called "religion" around any longer and only a sick person would be involved in it in any capacity.

  2. 7:59 Stop saying they have been hijacked. This is what the quran teaches them. Sura 8:12, "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them"
    They are following the quran exactly. Nothing has been hijacked. It is not a religion it is a cult.

  3. While we are debating this garbage and fighting each other in the streets a dedicated remarkable person was murdered....REALLY MURDERED. Does anyone see the stupidity in this country ...or is it just me.

  4. There in America just waiting.

  5. NO...they are NOT waiting...they are in Missouri.

  6. 8:45 sadly, due to television after the 1960's, VHS, DVD, video games, cable, and now "social media" it is estimated that a 14 year old has seen about 10,000 murders. Plain and simple - society is just oversaturated to the point of desensitivity about murders. This is what level we have been brought to. I will not speak for others but if I don't know what I would do if not for my faith in Christ and the Hope for eternal life. Its so sad.

  7. Anonymous said...
    7:59 Stop saying they have been hijacked. This is what the quran teaches them. Sura 8:12, "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them"
    They are following the quran exactly. Nothing has been hijacked. It is not a religion it is a cult.

    August 19, 2014 at 8:19 PM

    That is correct, this religion has never been hijacked. That soft hearted moron is a fence rider and I have a feeling he voted for Obama as well. What F*n idiot would want to defend that religion? An idiot that doesn't understand it.

  8. Anonymous said...
    While we are debating this garbage and fighting each other in the streets a dedicated remarkable person was murdered....REALLY MURDERED. Does anyone see the stupidity in this country ...or is it just me.

    August 19, 2014 at 8:45 PM

    Who is the dedicated remarkable person who was REALLY MURDERED?

  9. Anonymous said...
    There in America just waiting.

    August 19, 2014 at 8:58 PM


  10. Was there a reason why a specific country was not mentioned,or did I miss it?

  11. Is there actually a reason why journalists have to be in the thick of things? Are'nt they actually contributing to the problem by exposing these lunatics to the world? Were it not for journalists we wouldn't know half of what goes on over there.Since we can't do a damn thing about it anyway why do we need to be inundated with it daily?


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