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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Off the Radar, Obamacare Festers Away

The president’s signature law is still a disaster—and it only gets worse.

Thanks to rockets rising over Gaza, jet debris falling onto Ukraine, and children wading across the Rio Grande, Americans barely have had time to focus on Obamacare. Mounting global and domestic chaos, however, cannot mask forever the deep and severe flaws in Obama’s pet program. From insurance cancellations to premium increases to gross ineptness, Obamacare likely will roar back into the news, just in time to stymie Democrats at the midterm election.

Just the other day, I opened an envelope from Easy Choice Health Insurance. “IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING YOUR POLICY,” the letter trumpeted.

“We are writing to let you know that your health insurance coverage through Easy Choice Health Plan of New York (‘Easy Choice’) will be terminated no later than December 31, 2014,” it stated. Moreover, “Easy Choice will no longer be offering your policy or participating in New York’s commercial health insurance market.”

(To see this letter, click here.)



  1. Let's face facts , Obama is a typical for his represented culture. You know it and most everyone knows it . However most are afraid to say or to print it.
    His culture is steal ,lie , and cheat whoever you can . He could be white , but he isn't.

  2. The only way to end Obamacare is to vote Democrats out of office in November. The law can and should be repealed. When your family members and friends start dying because the Government mandates who it treats and for what, maybe you will wake up. Sorry, but by then, it's too late. We need to stare right here at home in Maryland with Mikulski and Cardin on down.

  3. He's ghetto trash 6:50 and has pulled a hustle on the those who voted for him.


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