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Saturday, August 02, 2014

A Confederate Flag Divides A Virginia Community

The huge Confederate flag flew high above I-95 north of Fredericksburg, startling Anthony Sanchez on his daily commute.

“It was a provocation,” said Sanchez, who teaches at a community college. “It just bothered me that someone would go to all that trouble, to put up a flagpole that high and a flag that big. . . . It’s a hostile statement.”

The 90-foot-tall flag pole is firmly (and legally) planted in private property on the other side of a tree barrier from the highway near mile marker 134. The flag, measuring 30 feet by 22 feet, is a reminder that in Virginia, the battles of 150 years ago are still divisive and deeply felt.



  1. I love it , and I still remember the Alamo.

  2. It's a free country. People need to quit being "offended" over everything!

  3. There were 2 sides, and 2 flags. Both sides fought for what they believed in, with honor, bravery, and valor. Both lost many lives.

    It is now History. It still happened, and you can't erase it.

    Live with it.

  4. So close and remove all the Muslim mosques. They offend me.

  5. The south were traitors to the USA.

  6. Anonymous said...
    The south were traitors to the USA.

    August 3, 2014 at 12:51 AM

    The US were traitors to England. BFD!! No one gets upset when they see US flags in England. No one ever gets upset when they see English flags in the US.

    You people that don't like the battle flag because you are misguided and uninformed. Get over yourselves and grow up.

  7. I love that flag.

  8. The left is intolerant and wish to strip our rights away one by one under false victim-hood.


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