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Sunday, August 17, 2014


State officials today announced that 2013 year-end crime data compiled by the Maryland State Police, and submitted to the FBI for use in the national uniform crime report (UCR), shows that violent crime and property crime in Maryland has been driven down to the lowest rates since 1975. Total crime has been driven down 2.3 percent since 2012, with 4,394 fewer crimes reported. This marks the lowest number of total crimes and total crime rate ever reported in Maryland since the Uniform Crime Reporting program was adopted in 1975.

“Thanks to the hard work and dedication of law enforcement, public safety professionals and community leaders across Maryland, we’ve driven crime down to lows not seen in nearly 40 years, ” said Governor O’Malley.“These reductions don’t happen by chance – they happen because of the choices we continue to make together. We’re investing in public safety -- and we’re setting goals, measuring progress, and improving cross-jurisdictional collaboration in order to deploy our resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. The result: Maryland families and communities are safer than they've been in decades.”

Upon taking office in 2007, the O’Malley-Brown Administration set a goal of driving down violent crime 20 percent by the end of 2012. As a result of efforts by public safety officials at every level of government -- and strategic investments in targeted crime fighting efforts -- law enforcement achieved that goal in 2011 and exceeded it again in 2012. Since then, the Administration set a new goal to drive down violent crime an additional 20 percent by the end of 2018. As of last year’s 2012 UCR, Maryland had driven down violent crime by 27 percent in seven years.


  1. more lies by politicians.

  2. Probably, but maybe it's because anyone who has anything left to steal has moved to another state.

  3. What a bunch of hogwash.

  4. how can there be any crime when the inmates are in charge of the prison?

  5. The reporting of crime is down not crime itself. The same thing happens in our schools. When the principal wants lower referral numbers the administrators combine referrals and the teachers stop writing them. Looks like numbers are down but their not. They don't care, as long as the numbers look good for them. No problems solved.

  6. Agree with 9:12 AM Since we can't do anything about the kids who ruin school for all of us, we find ways to make it look like discipline is better. Loads of money for staff for those who act wild makes no difference at all. Instead we relax the rules and consequences to accommodate the awful behavior. Could we hold these kids accountable for at least a little of what they do?

  7. Of course it is BS. you don't expect a politician to tell the truth, do you?


  8. 9:12 and 9:27 are correct!

    Now to the PR release.

    Expect it to be entered and to win an award in the category of "Fiction".

  9. You don't think the gov't would lie to the people do ya.

  10. Yep the welfare grabbers are so fat from eating free food that they can't get off their dead butts to commit crime/loot.

  11. The police state is working.

  12. 9:12 is right on the money, the REPORTING of crime is down, not crime itself. Spd has been doing this to make crime numbers lower. No report on many minor thefts/mdop, ect. Drink the cool aid people

  13. Im sure some crime is down but I think they are juggling numbers to make it look better than it is.


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