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Sunday, August 17, 2014



We're told it was an apparent suicide.


  1. Nano nano brother RIP....PAUL A

  2. Money and fame can't buy happiness. Yet people still obsess about them both.

  3. Such sad news. RIP Robin Nano Nano

  4. Robin suffered from depression most of his life.

    I remember reading about it many years ago and thought, how could this be possible. This has to be the funniest and one of the most talented people on earth.

    One can only hope he knew just how much entertainment, laughter and pleasure he brought to all of our lives.

    Rest In Peace Robin Williams and Thank You.

  5. Oh Captain, My Captain...RIP

  6. Amen Joe. I remember hearing a story years ago involving his close friend Christopher reeves. He not only helped raise money for paralysis patients but gave money for his treatments as they were so expensive.

    He was definitely a great comedian and will be missed.

  7. The World According to Garp...


  8. He was one of the best actors in Hollywood. Especially loved Mrs. Doubtfire. RIP

  9. Joe: Amen brother. I can remember my grandmother taking me to see the movie Hook when I was 9 or 10, and I remember watching Mork and Mindy reruns with my grandfather in the early 90's. Bittersweet how a loss like this reminds you of those you've lost personally. RIP Robin, heres to the good times.

  10. So sad! He gave us so many laughs and tears of the years. RIP

  11. Today we lost a wonderful, talented, brilliant person today. Sadly he chose to end his life leaving behind much sadness....remember him for all the laughs and wonderful things he did with his many charities. ....he will be missed....

  12. Good Morning Vietnam......hell of a movie Robin Williams.

  13. Just remember in our everyday lives, there are people we think have to be happy as clams. Truth be told, they are just artists at hiding the pain. Be kind, you never know the battles others are keeping to themselves.

  14. Very sad, on so many levels. He was super talented and could make people laugh. He also cared about people and did a lot with charities.

    However, he was an enigma of sorts. As funny as he could be, he was incredibly mean spirited when it came to religion and politics.

    He could say the most funny things and yet also say the most insulting things when it came to people of faith or those who espoused family values.

    Like Letterman, he had a funny side and a vicious side. Vicious to those he did not agree with.

    I don't believe he wanted to be that way. I think the drugs and alcohol tormented him - and that is what makes this so terribly sad. I wish he could have gotten the help to give him the peace he was looking for. I think those outbursts against others were the marks of a person who was tormented inside.

    I hope that he has found the peace he was so desperately looking for.

    1. @8:55pm The majority of the description regarding his temperament, coincidentally fits in closely with bipolar disorder. Many times it's misdiagnosed, not diagnosed or refusal to medicate if known. Having experience from several of my extended family members, I'm told the medication for bipolar and schizophrenia are a far worse experience than the disease. Thus the reason, they many times refuse to take the prescribed medication and their brains go chemically off center and they end up doing the really crazy stuff, like killing themselves or many times, killing others. Depression has a lot of different levels and comes from many different sources including altered brain chemicals which can happen with disease, alcohol, drugs, etc. If he railed against religion, as you say, then there has to be solid reason, from his point of view, which would have an effect on his being and many things he said and did. Sad either way.

  15. He was such a great actor, what a lose, I just wish it would have been someone else that would have hung himself in the oval office.

  16. "It begins with the king as a boy, having to spend the night alone in the forest to prove his courage so he can become king. Now while he is spending the night alone he's visited by a sacred vision. Out of the fire appears the holy grail, symbol of God's divine grace. And a voice said to the boy, "You shall be keeper of the grail so that it may heal the hearts of men." But the boy was blinded by greater visions of a life filled with power and glory and beauty. And in this state of radical amazement he felt for a brief moment not like a boy, but invincible, like God, so he reached into the fire to take the grail, and the grail vanished, leaving him with his hand in the fire to be terribly wounded. Now as this boy grew older, his wound grew deeper. Until one day, life for him lost its reason. He had no faith in any man, not even himself. He couldn't love or feel loved. He was sick with experience. He began to die. One day a fool wandered into the castle and found the king alone. And being a fool, he was simple minded, he didn't see a king. He only saw a man alone and in pain. And he asked the king, "What ails you friend?" The king replied, "I'm thirsty. I need some water to cool my throat". So the fool took a cup from beside his bed, filled it with water and handed it to the king. As the king began to drink, he realized his wound was healed. He looked in his hands and there was the holy grail, that which he sought all of his life. And he turned to the fool and said with amazement, "How can you find that which my brightest and bravest could not?" And the fool replied, "I don't know. I only knew that you were thirsty.""
    --The Fisher King

    Cheers, Robin and than you for so many laughs!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Money and fame can't buy happiness. Yet people still obsess about them both.

    August 11, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    And you know this?? because??
    I detest moronic statements.
    Depression and addiction are mental illnesses. Has nothing to do with money or fame.

    What this does show you, is that money can not buy you out of a mental illness, and we have a lot more to do to understand it and help those battling it.

    1. get a grip 9:15, he was just making a very valid statement!

  18. I've always heard that suicide is selfish and I learned firsthand how true that is this year. With that being said, I have also heard about his depression and addiction problems and know he was very sick. I pray that he is no longer suffering and that his family and friends can find peace in knowing that he is no longer suffering. Sometimes we never stop to think about the other person and never truly understand why or how they could get that far without getting help or without someone close to them knowing how sick they were. RIP Robin, may you find peace and happiness in your eternal life. Thank you for so many wonderful shows and movies and memories growing up watching you on the screen. God Bless.

  19. "The majority of the description regarding his temperament, coincidentally fits in closely with bipolar disorder.Many times it's misdiagnosed, not diagnosed or refusal to medicate if known"

    What came first is the question.
    Bipolar disorder as well as many mental disorders can be substance abuse induced. Medication is not always the answer for a substance induced psychotic disorder.
    That's a huge problem. Giving meds to someone who would benefit more by stopping the "self medicating" isn't the answer and all too often is the solution.

  20. Suicide is the ultimate social commentary

  21. Suicide is so sad, and it is even more sad to see people saying hurtful things at this time that is so hard for the family of Robin Williams. I believe that no one can judge those that commit suicide but healing -often over time- can come for the victims of a loved one's suicide. Peace can be found. This is an amazing article that has all the words to exactly describe how I feel about it, from the perspective of someone who has had a lot of experience with this subject than I. http://www.reallifeanswers.org/everyday-faith/on-suicide/

    (sorry if this posted twice, wasn't sure if it went through the first time)


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