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Thursday, August 07, 2014

Martin O’Malley Slams White House ‘Spin’

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is pushing back against the White House for spreading a “misrepresentation” of his comments on the housing of undocumented Central American children along the border.

The Democratic governor’s comments Tuesday night continued his dispute with the Obama administration over the issue. White House officials have accused O’Malley of refusing to open a group facility in Westminster, Md., for some of the Central American children after saying that they should not be sent back to their home countries.

Speaking with Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos on Tuesday evening, O’Malley said the White House was putting political “spin” on his comments.



  1. This is pure double talk. They are arriving in Maryland almost everyday.

  2. go to your room martin and don't come out until you become a conservative. period.

  3. Then why are they in Salisbury? I have a relative who works for the county. 15 illegal children were "welcomed" in to the county on wednesday. My relative watched it in horror as the liberal county
    administration was spending your tax money helping the people. Should've bought tickets and sent them back to south america, mexico or iran.


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