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Thursday, August 07, 2014

Court: Firing for Poor Performance, Not Racism

Professor was hired based on race but fired based on incompetence.

A professor who was hired based on her race has lost an anti-discrimination lawsuit in which she claimed she was fired based on her race.

The University of New Hampshire hired Roslyn Chavda during a hiring freeze, then fired her after she received poor performance reviews and failed to publish in scholarly journals.

In the court opinion, New Hampshire district judge Laynda McCafferty stated that criticizing an employee for poor work performance is not discrimination.

“Although she refers to ‘venom’ hurled by her colleagues, the only venom of which she provides any evidence consists of comments about her deficiencies in teaching, scholarship, and interactions with colleagues in the department,” McCafferty wrote.



  1. This is true in many cases.

  2. This is the same thing that is happening to the 'disproportionate' number of black army majors. Probably recruited under an affirmative action quota system - rushed through basic training and promoted based on a similar quota system. Finally, out in the real army, their supervisors were able to rate them honestly...and based on the aggregate performance, they're the first to go.

    So now we screwed over the Army from day one, the people that were actually qualified for the commissions, and now finally, the A-A recipients...that will cry racism the loudest.

    You shouldn't have gotten that far in the first place - and the A-A president you helped elect cut the budget leading to your dismissal!

    Remember how you vote and consider the consequences.....


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