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Monday, August 18, 2014

How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police: WARNING, FOUL LANGUAGE


  1. Just common sense.

  2. This actually applies to everyone!

  3. Now they carry a special ass kicking machine in their trunk.

  4. Stop thinking you're above the law.

  5. It is sad that this is a comedy routine but is really a case of reality. Why is it that blacks make millions on this stuff and call each other (N words) disrespectful names and yet it is not funny in any other context?? If it is funny here why is it offensive anywhere else. It offense me. This whole skit is sad. Chris Rock is making millions making fun of the truth. Ignorance is buying and paying for Chris Rocks lifestyle. Well....the same could be said for the Red Neck comics as well. Redneck white trash eat that stuff up. When do we cross the line? Is there a line?

  6. Its funny because its true and so easily avoidable. It shows the stupidity of some parts of our society.


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