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Monday, August 18, 2014

Can You Fight Poverty by Paying Kids to Go to School?

"A student who compiles an acceptable school attendance record gets $40 a month, showing up for an annual dental or medical check-up means a $100 check, grades are monetized ($30 for an A, $20 for B, $10 for a C) and taking a college entrance exam like the ACT gets you a $50 check. Parents are also rewarded: Adults get a $150 monthly bonus, up to $1,800 a year, simply for working full-time."



  1. We already give away too much money! These kids are running around with brand new iPhone 5's, sporing 22" rims and stereos you can feel in the next county.

    They're not poor - they're just making crappy decisions.

    More importantly, Are we simply going to print the money we give them - or are my taxes going to rise!

  2. Then the IRS will find a way to take it all back and give to the people who don't do well.

  3. These "poor" kids already walk around school with phones, $100+ shoes, $300 beats headphones dressed up. They then go get their free lunch. Giving them more to do what they are supposed to do makes no sense. No mor free stuff!

  4. Give me a break....I always tell my kids that school is their job and I PAY them for good grades. You get paid for a job well done. Let them learn early how the system works....then maybe they won;t be sitting waiting for a handout for doing nothing.

  5. We bribe kids because we don't think we can motivate them to want to work when they get out of school.

  6. Money better spent than the thousands, upon thousands, keeping the Executive and BOE fat and happy at the trough.

  7. What that will do is encourage more "gaming the system", just like welfare and disability and worker's comp. It will no more reduce poverty than any of the other money that has been thrown at it. It will take no time for the "poor" people to figure out how to get the money without doing the work. After all, they think they are already smarter that the rest of us who work for a living....

  8. 12:19...YES.... Money better spent indeed.

  9. This is crazy. Their is welfare. Food stamps. Money for housing. Medicaid. All kinds of tax breaks. Etc. etc, and more than enough etc. But, this country will not do right for veterans, unemployed, homeless and the elder. This is sick.

  10. I went to school because that's what we were expected to do. If I didn't my parents would have kicked my a$$. Also if you didn't get a good education, your job opportunities were limited? Today's parents and kids are not the same as when I grew up.

  11. And when this doesn't work they will lower the standard. Pretty soon they will be getting $40 dollars a day just to show up to school. They still won't learn.


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