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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hogan: Torrential Rainfall Underscores O’Malley-Brown Failure To Protect Bay From Millions Of Tons of Conowingo Sediment.

ANNAPOLIS, MD – August 12 – As rain and flash flood warnings hit Maryland this afternoon, gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan urged state officials to take immediate action to protect the Chesapeake Bay from catastrophic releases of polluted sediment from the long-neglected control reservoirs, or ponds, above the Conowingo Dam. 

When constructed, the 14 mile long “Conowingo Pond” was 125 feet deep, trapping vast quantities of upstream sediment and pollution. Today, it is an ineffective dozen or so feet deep, and releases millions of tons of polluted sediment from Pennsylvania and New York State following heavy rains. In fact, the sediment flows down the Susquehanna are the source of 40 percent of the Bay’s pollution and have virtually destroyed oystering and crabbing above the Chesapeake Bridge. 

According to Hogan, "When torrential rains hit Pennsylvania and New York State, Marylanders and the Bay’s submerged vegetation and aquatic life pay the price. For eight years, Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown have concluded it’s easier to levy a Rain Tax on Maryland’s watermen, farmers and struggling families than fight to protect the Bay from federal and corporate neglect. 

“Until something is done about the Conowingo Pond, the Chesapeake Bay will never be healthy. As governor I will make it a priority to dredge the pond, work with the EPA, Pennsylvania, and New York to address the Susquehanna River, and always give farmers and watermen a seat at the table. We will work together to find common sense, efficient, and cost-effective measures to cleaning up the Chesapeake for generations to come, and it starts with the Conowingo." 

Satellite photo of Conowingo sediment plume release into Chesapeake Bay, courtesy NOAA.


  1. Had the crooks otherwise known as the democrats in Annapolis not stolen the money out of the Bay Fund for pet projects aimed at getting votes the money would be more than sufficient to pay for this!

    1. Guess who voted to steal the bay funding to blow on overspending?
      Guess who will vote for the new taxes to repay that money? Good 'ol Norm conway.
      Keep voting em in..

  2. You have our Votes Sir....out with Democrats

  3. Funny how the Chesapeake Bay was healthy until the Conowingo Dam was built. Now they want us to accept wind turbines as the answer for clean energy. What will be the unknown consequences from them.

  4. "out with Democrats"

    I hope. They are worthless. Self serving cretins who haven't a problem selling out the souls of their own children for a vote.

  5. Yep 7:06 libtarded is a sickness infecting this county with stupity...MD politicans lead the pack in true idiots...or either very smart slick criminals...either way we always get short end of the stick

  6. Yes 7:53 they are sick sick people. Anybody who can sell the souls of their own children like they have done are worthless as human beings. The mess they are creating and have created are going to take generations to undo.
    Take immigration. It is hurting us. In order to be progressive we have to control immigration otherwise we will continue to regress.
    It's creating too many workers and this is what is keeping wages down. Big Business is prompting the democrats to let all the immigrants in so they have a steady supply of workers so they don't have to raise wages. Democrats are more than happy to do this because all of them have their heads shoved up the asses of big business and special interest.
    and "Good 'ol Norm" he as well as all of them aren't worthy to breath the same air as decent people. It was he and that other useless boor bozman that started us down the road of low wages, high unemployment which is resulting in the spike in crime.

  7. In OC at least, people seem to be wising up. There are NO signs left promoting Brown. There are NO signs left promoting Conway. There's a LOT of support for McDermott to replace Mathias.

    PLEASE let this turn into VOTERS!

  8. The idiots in PA want everyone to believe that they had no problems until PERDUE went there to build their soybean meal plant!!!! EPA wants everyone to believe the poultry companies are to blame for polluting the bay...GUESS NOT HUH!

  9. One look at that picture tells me all I need to know about all those ignorant articles on the Chesapeake Bay Foundation website.

    Purest form of hogshit since the invention of the pig!

  10. The soy bean meal plant isn't even been started yet. The people aren't saying it's already causing pollution but that it will.
    Another thing do not let them fool you. Perdue, Tyson and Mountaire are all behind all these regulations. Oh they cry "fowl" but it's just a ploy to fool everyone. They want over regulation because then it reduces competition for them and prevents others from starting up the same types of companies.
    They use the EPA for this purpose.
    Remember how outraged omalley was because the Perdue lawsuit plaintiffs were represented by U of MD law school? What do you think he did this out of the goodeness of his heart. Hell no. He did it because he's in cahoots with perdue and does their dirty work of keeping out competition by coming up with regulations. This keeps them able to pay their growers less money.
    omalley's all hot on having some of the illegals come here as well. He sees future employees who will work for low wages for his big business buddies who themselves encourage immigration of unskilled workers. If we didn't have all these unskilled laborers coming in companies would be forced to raise wages.
    This is a lesson on how it works in the real world and not the illusions the politicians have created.

  11. I hadn't considered Hogan, but he now has my vote.

  12. Mathias is just as bad as O'Malley at covering for Exelon.
    The wind turbines Mathias is trying to have installed in Worcester and Somerset Counties will destroy the local environment while Mathias receives a boost up the Democratic political ladder.
    Remember Mathias, the higher the ladder you go, the more your ASS is going to show.

  13. you mean my residential septic system more than 100 miles from the bay didn't cause all this mess??!! who knew.

    off with the dems heads. good riddance to the EPA and all it's tributaries. take back our state and country and make common sense choices. lower taxes, get rid of most regs and be free at last.

  14. "get rid of most regs" What are you kidding 9:37? You want perdue to have a stroke or something?
    Getting rid of the regulations would open the door for smaller independent meat processing companies to open. This would then have all the contract growers open to having a choice where to sell their products and competition helps the economy. Can't have that now can we? That would cause wages to have to rise across the board.
    No let's just do the democrat thing and raise minimum wage. That would cause even more of the smaller business to cease to exist, again elimination more of the completion for the big businesses.
    This is the democrat and big business plan. to have all trade, commerce and services controlled by a handful of large companies.

  15. No, No, No... it's the evil farmers! It couldn't be our inept gubment.


    Failure to act, is failure.

  16. Nobody ever mentions the C&D canal. A man made structure that allows salt water in the head of the bay that was only fed by fresh water. This is what happened to the wild celery beds on the flats at the head of the bay. Man messing with mother nature never goes well.

  17. that would be because the canal is well over 100 years old and the bays problems date from the late 50's

  18. If they dredge the conowingo pond where are they going to pump the dredge spoils,if they try to truck it away it will take a hundred years.

  19. 12:19 check out a little history. Not talking about nitrogen levels, wild celery beds gone long before the 50's


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