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Sunday, August 17, 2014

‘F*ck white America’! Race-obsessed Jerks Lash Out At Robin Williams’ Mourners

We suppose this was inevitable … but that doesn’t make it any easier to stomach. After news of Robin Williams’ suicide broke, it didn’t take long for identity politics to rear its ugly head:

Many outraged tweeters also feel that Williams’ death has overshadowed what’s happening inFerguson, Missouri, and they’re pointing to fans openly and vocally mourning his death as further evidence of whites’ racism: 
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  1. Paul Walker died in November, what has he got to do with it?

  2. Hmmm...now if us white folk talked like that or made similar comments aboout blacks, we would lose our job or would be stamped a racist. Just look at Sterling. And we wonder why the majority of blacks end up on poverty, dead, or in jail. Just shows some people's ignorance.

  3. Not even worth engaging until there's comparable outrage for the black on black violence epidemic...don't look inward...don't look at personal choices...just seethe until the next Treyvon...

  4. Ignorant blacks make the good ones look bad. Is a shame.

  5. Traci Morgan didn't die. He also is nothing close to Williams stature.

  6. domestic terrorism.

  7. When are you going to stop all this race thing? People are people. I am so tired of "I hate you because you are white, black ". Why can't we just leave each other alone and let all of us live like we want? I feel my way and you feel your way, that is fine with me. Just don't try to change me and I won't try to change you. That will be the way for us to come together as a "HUMANE". Just saying how I am feeling map

    1. The inly ones i hate is ISLAM.

  8. Exactly the way I see it 6:46,.
    Blacks do not value life. They only value the agenda that they can attach to one. this is a fact. We see this locally. A 3 year old little girl was killed by crossfire in Baltimore City and barely a peep. Only a handful of the area residents came out. With the Martin incident some even in Salisbury had to inject themselves into it by holding a rally. It was a bust but they still attempted it. Nothing for the innocent little girl in Baltimore!
    They aren't fooling anyone.

  9. When you have to bring in the FAA and riot gear you know that there are serious problems in this country. What happened (and I do not know the details) is NO REASON for riots. The rioting is about stealing and taking whatever they want. It is a slap in the face of the dead young mans family. The death of this youth means nothing but a free trip to the mall? What has happened is tragic and the disrespect for the death and morning is totally without heart or soul.

  10. Great let us all show our asses, like the college students at Wor Wic who walked out of class and crammed who knows how many in the then TV room when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced
    I don't understand how a protest that turns into people stealing (every race in the world included) is anything useful

  11. Riots ....Brought to your by your locally federally funded welfare bandits..KUDOS TO the..community organized and locally supported democratic libtarded masters

  12. As soon as they started looting they and their cause became irrelevant.
    Start acting like civilized human beings and you will be treated as such. Until then go back into your ghetto with the rest of those who never evolved into civilized human beings and shut up. Or better yet, take it up with your so called "leaders" who if you had a brain would see they aren't anything close to what a real leader is.

  13. It's the internet, people say all kinds of ignorant, inflammatory things, well except here on SBY News of course.

  14. There is solace in not possibly being able to do the right thing-ever.It eliminates the need to even try.

  15. Maybe it all has to do with their contributions to this world, after all Walker and Williams were good people, not a drug addled would be burglar scoping out houses to rob in a gated neighborhood.

  16. Forgive the mass media for not knowing which black looting/stealing to report. When it's done all summer in Chicago by hordes invading and stealing from stores, it was not politically correct to report it. When it's stealing because of social outrage, it should be reported? Maybe a course on which stealing can be publicized would help.

  17. Ok, maybe I am behind times, but I didn't even know who Tracy Morgan was until I heard he was in an accident. Robin Williams in my opinion is known to more people.

  18. Over 50 years of civil rights actions and we are no better off now then 1963. Go figure.

  19. Gerald, retired Detroit copAugust 13, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    This statement actually is Ironic, but speaks mountains of truth as to why there is so much racism.
    "Just think, this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. And we certainly must not forget their abhorrence for crime and their dedication to observing the law. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation."

  20. seems to me the world almost stopped when Michael Jackson died....

  21. Amen to Gerald, the statement does say volumes when you read it, it is sad that in fact our communities have been decimated by them.


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