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Monday, August 18, 2014

Ferguson Truth


  1. Truth is the cop murdered the man. 6 shots into the body of an unarmed man including two to the head? Yep; murder.

    1. Your liberal truth doesn't even get the number of shots right. These are known facts. Get it right.

  2. 9:39 - Truth is you're an idiot. You don't have all the facts, but are willing to pass judgement. Please shut up.

  3. 9:39 you are clueless. Murder implies intent which has not been established. He was not shot 8 times as you stated. 4 in the arm (not 6 in body) and two in head. Another fact is brown was 6-4 and 290 lbs. A violent person of that size can be very dangerous.

  4. Truth is, just obey the police!

  5. There are groups of people that do not want to know the truth. All they care about is their agenda and what they can get out of the situation. Browns parents are being exploited by sharpton, lawyers, and many others to push their anti-cop/gun/white people agenda. Just a hateful group of people.

  6. The new mentality of the thugs on the streets is that a cop can't do anything to them if they are unarmed, even if they assault the cops. Even if they are twice as big as the cops. Just like Travon Martin, who thought he could savagely beat someone for following him and watching what he was doing. The black lynch mobs, demanding revenge for shooting unarmed black teenage thugs, just encourage their lawlessness and utter disrespect for the law. And they become even more brazen in confronting the cops. The initial reports are that the current unarmed thug, that was shot and killed by a cop, had just assaulted the cop. How freaking stupid can a thug be?

  7. Another ignorant thug bullying innocent people including the police.

  8. Didn't witnesses say that Brown was going after the officer's gun? I guess he should just have let him take it....The "witness" that was with Brown when they were robbing that little storekeeper has already ben shown a liar...said the cop shot the kid in the back. The autopsy shows that not to be true.

  9. "Truth is the cop murdered the man."

    Truth is that you're an idiot.

  10. I am wondering why the hit to Mike's right eye did not put him down, and there needed to be another shot to the head.

  11. 10:45, the last two shots were timed very close together when the threat had continued to a very close proximity to the officer despite being shot four times already. Shooting to wound and stop the threat was not effective in protecting the officer's life. Only when he had no other options did he shoot to kill. That officer should be commended for the incredible restraint that he showed after already being attacked, and under attack again. He was totally in control and when the decision to shoot-to-kill was made, his marksmanship was spot on. That 6'4" 300 lb thug picked the wrong cop to tangle with.


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