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Monday, August 18, 2014

Beware of Alarm System Scam

Alarm Engineering
August 12, 2014

I want to alert you to a disturbing situation that recently occurred. I received a call from a long time customer and good friend asking for help. He and his wife, a retired couple living in Salisbury, were approached by a door-to-door salesman apparently working for the cable company. The salesman asked if they wanted additional cable channels and features at no charge. They let the salesman in the house to sit down and talk it over.

During his "pitch", the salesman asked to see their alarm system, which confused the homeowner, as he thought they were talking about cable channels. He clearly stated to the salesman that he did not want to change his alarm system, and the conversation turned back to HBO, etc. The homeowners signed up for the additional channel offerings, but later realized upon reviewing their paperwork, that they had also unknowingly contracted to replace their existing alarm system.

Luckily, they were still within the three day grace period (required by federal law) in which you can cancel contracts signed in door-to-door situations. After multiple calls to various phone numbers, voicemails and lots of time on hold, they were able to reach the right department to cancel the agreement.

Be careful anytime you are approached by someone you did not invite or make an appointment with. Be aware of what you're signing up for when you agree to add on features with any service provider. We can leave the entertainment to the cable companies, but when it comes to your safety and security, stick with the local professionals you know and trust.

Stay Safe,

Ron Boltz
Alarm Engineering


  1. Thank you for the warning Mr Boltz and Thank you Joe for this service.

  2. I wonder if Boltz would have warned anyone if these people were selling anything except alarm systems


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