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Sunday, August 10, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Reagan press secretary’s death ruled homicide

Medical examiner rules recent death of James Brady, wounded in 1981 Reagan assassination attempt, a homicide, raising possibility John Hinckley Jr. could be charged with murder.


  1. He is still in the insane asylum so it wouldn't matter. I guess they would take away his day trips. I think I read somewhere that he gets so many days a month to go see his parents and roam around and then he goes and checks back in.

  2. I remember that day very clearly. And that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Seriously, over 30 years later?

  3. Not dumb in the least. About time justice was done.

  4. Did Hinckley get out and shoot him again, or did John just die of natural causes?
    Unless Hinckley shot him again, case closed.

    If he died naturally, even as a result of past injuries, that's already been adjudicated.

    Brady, while being heroic at his job, did what he did and had accepted his new place in life without any known pending lawsuits.

    Nothing to see here.

  5. 9:18 you are not making sense. Try again.

  6. Medical examiner must be a gun control nut case. Probably voted for Obama also.

  7. I believe it is a matter of law that for an action to be considered homicide the death of the victim has to occur within one year of the assault.

  8. Okay, I see that the Legal Reform Act of 1996 changed the "year and a day" rule referred to above. However, the shooting occurred long before 1996 and so is not affected by the Reform.
    Brady survived 33 years.

  9. You don't suppose that this nonsense will further the cause of the Brady Gun Bill? Let's continue to punish a kid, as well his family who has to support their son, 30+ years after the crime of attempted murder, vs an actual murder. Had he killed Jim Brady, he'd probably been back home 20+ years ago like the rest of the criminals. Once it dawns on the Liberals/Eric Holder that Hinckley was trying to kill Ronald Reagan, a Republican he'll get his freedom. Lois Lerner and her pals, the Obomba triplets, Read and Pnosy would have already set him free if they thought that nobody was looking. Everybody's dead already, cut him loose, he's served his time. Why wasn't he charged with murder when Ronnie died? Scared the hell out of him so much he opened the import tariff trade door so wide that China now owns all of America and our government belongs to europeean banksters. All the bigwigs in the world want something special, if you or I had been shot or wounded, no one would care after the gunshots stopped.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:18 you are not making sense. Try again.

    August 8, 2014 at 9:52 PM

    Only to you. I understood him perfectly

  11. I was injured in a car accident 30 years ago. Does this mean that when I finally do pass on that the other driver who was at fault will be charged with murder? I would hope not!

  12. Hard to believe he maintained perfect health through all these years since the shooting. Any ME will play hell trying to pinpoint the cause of death without a boatload o' specious speculation.

  13. more ambulance chasing lawyers seeking a big payday

  14. They have got to get the guns out of the hands of the law abiding citizens. Otherwise, something bad is going to happen.

  15. That is CLOSE to the biggest stretch of speculation and manipulation that I've seen in a while.
    Reagan himself would likely just shake his head and point out how utterly stupid the idea is that Hinkley killed Brady. Hinkley didn't kill anyone. He WOUNDED them.
    I never heard Brady say "I'm dying, but its going to take me thirty years to do it." Why?
    He would have been laughed out of the room, thats why.

  16. This is the danger in society when lawmakers come up with these crazy laws.


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