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Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 8-9-14

A Senior Fire Chief has left a new comment on your post "OC Firefighter Responds To Viral Attack By The Med...":

These oats have already been thru the horse. This guy was amplifying his chances for a later chance sexual encounter with one possibly two unfamiliar females and to bolster said chance the use of a City ambulance and uniform. In his little pea brain, he thought he could rationalize and justify this situation so the lights dim on his assinine antics while acting under the auspice of a paramedic.This is NO wise a professional endeavor and I fault the Town for not suspending him right away. He`s another predator whom the Town of Ocean City is both sponsoring and harboring. Number one, there was NO call for service, Two, the fact they were walking indicated no physical malady that needed medical treatment, Three, traffic related issues ARE NOT the business of thr EMS branch of public safety, and on and on. I`d have serious reservations concerning him treating ANY female not in the pulic eye at the time not in plain sight. The Town had better take a close look at this because somewhere down the road there is a lawsuit hiding in the shadows. Had this man been under me he would be relieved immediately.

A local Fire Chief


  1. We agree. Well said. Thank you for "telling it like it is".

  2. I agree, this brings into the entire Question as to the Culture of OC's entire fire department.

  3. "Three, traffic related issues ARE NOT the business of thr EMS branch of public safety, and on and on."

    This is not true as the courts have consistently ruled otherwise.
    In short courts have said, it is the duty of Fire/Paramedic/EMS personal to apply their knowledge to effect the safety of persons stranded, marooned or endangered in/by unusual circumstances.
    If something were to have happened to these young ladies the town would have been liable.
    It's no different than a vehicle getting stranded on railroad tracks and a EMS vehicle passes by and then a train comes and kills the occupants of the car. Laws favor the occupants of the vehicle and see negligence on the part of EMS crew.
    It's not about what the town or it's employees think about what is the business (or duties) of the EMS branch of public safety. The laws are such that it's what public perceives as the duties/role of public safety as one entity.
    Many towns are guilty of just writing indiscriminately in their general orders, some of which wouldn't stand up in court. This is why an attorney well versed in municipal law should always review orders.

    1. Anon 4:14 PM can you please cite your sources? I bet you can't Maykrantz!

  4. Amen. Don't the guy at all but he was out of line to pick them up.

  5. The above comment is orrect. It is what the public reasonably perceives as the duties of a public safety officer. Law enforcement officials are included as well.
    The legal duties of all public safety officials are governed by common law, which has evolved over the years and does "lump" them together in certain situations.
    Another example would be the duty of a police officer arriving first on a fire scene to make an attempt to rescue people who may be trapped. Even though police officer may have no training in such they must make an attempt (without endangering themselves) to rescue.

  6. "OC Public Safety" , Give me a break. These are the same individuals that left a Realtor sign in the middle of Coastal Hwy. for 5 days back about 5-6 years ago during New Years Eve weekend. The sign finally got removed when I stopped and moved it out of the street.
    But I guess if someone had lost control or had a tire blow out from running over the sign then they could have sued OC for the negligence of those ps officers. BS 4:14 and 4:57.

  7. A local Fire Chief and others-

    Basically what happened is when the phrase public safety officer----defined by federal law as "an individual serving a public agency in an official capacity, with or without compensation, as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or member of a rescue squad or ambulance crew"--- came into common usage, the ambulance chasers came out of the woodwork.
    This resulted in the duties of each of the branches of public safety to be broadened.

  8. An anonymous local fire chief?

  9. "But I guess if someone had lost control or had a tire blow out from running over the sign then they could have sued OC for the negligence of those ps officers. BS 4:14 and 4:57."

    Absolutely 5:24 if you are injured and IF it can be proven that the town had notice a danger existed in the roadway you can sue for money.

    You can sue for vehicle damage as well but aren't likely to receive more than your insurance deductible.

  10. Yes, someone could sue 5:24 but it would have to be proven that Ocean City had prior knowledge that the hazard existed and didn't act timely to correct.

  11. As a casual observer and having heard his side of the story, I do think that further investigation is in order. That was a highly unusual situation, and I bet the police had the same gridlock issues as everyone else. It is interesting that he's running for County Commisioner, however, and it would be great to hear from the beer gals too if possible.

    1. Gridlock issues? If there were gridlock issues and the traffick wasn't moving then where was the safety issue?

  12. 6:27 so i guess 5 days wasn't enough
    "prior knowledge that the hazard existed and didn't act timely to correct".
    6:22 so i guess ocean city should thank 5:24 for saving them cause it doesn't look like public safety people gave a hoot. 5 days seems like a long time for a sign to be in a road. i guess all the cops and f/f were sleeping off new years hangover.

  13. 629, this was NEVER a "highly unusual situation". Thins like this happen every year everywhere in the country, and people walk along roadsides every day.

    He's a stalker waiting to get caught, period.

  14. If it were 2 young males walking with the unopened beer would they have been offered a ride?

  15. "But I guess if someone had lost control or had a tire blow out from running over the sign then they could have sued OC for the negligence of those ps officers. BS 4:14 and 4:57."

    For a blown out tire you would be hard pressed to find a lawyer willing to take the case.
    Where I'm from if it's a state owned roadway, you can not sue for vehicles damages.
    If injury or death occurs you most certainly can sue. The unfortunate aspect of road debris claims is proof. The plaintiff must prove the state agency was notified of the debris, but failed to clear it from the road.

    Anyway 5:24 your comparison lacks validity.
    The only question and concern is, did this person lessen a possible public safety issue. What the persons were wearing or what someone may believe the driver's intent was are not pertinent to the matter at hand.

  16. Don't be silly 7:15. Pedestrians on RT 50 are always unusual. Add to that the bridge getting stuck (in and of itself unusual) on the busiest traffic day of the week (1 in 7 odds) creating gridlock and traffic, like most residents are claiming never to have seen before. I was looking on different media FB pages and people on St Martin's Neck Rd in Bishopville were saying that road was constant cars going in both directions, something they have never seen before.

  17. 9:15 says "Don't be silly 7:15. Pedestrians on RT 50 are always unusual."

    I say what Ocean City do you live in. Unless by unusual you mean scraggly looking.

  18. 7:23 is obviously a town employee or suck up.

  19. 9:32, they were walking on 50 right near Jerry Mack Rd which is West Ocean city, almost Berlin.
    Very unusual to see people walking on 50 much past the outlets.


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