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Monday, July 28, 2014

Why Are Campus Administrators Making So Much Money?

Americans committed to better living for bosses can take heart at the fact that college and university administrators—unlike their faculty (increasingly reduced to rootless adjuncts) and students (saddled with ever more debt)―are thriving.

In 2011, the last year for which figures are available, 42 private college and university presidents received more than a million dollars each for their work. Robert Zimmer (University of Chicago) was the best-paid, at $3,358,723. At public colleges and universities, nine top administrators garnered more than $1 million each in 2012-2013, with the best-paid, E. Gordon Gee (Ohio State University), receiving $6,057,615.

Since then, it's likely that the number of millionaire campus presidents has increased, for their numbers have been growing rapidly. Indeed, in 2012-13, the number of public university presidents receiving at least $1 million for their servicesmore than doubled over the previous year.



  1. They need to make at least as much as their football and basketball coaches, right.

  2. Administrators and buildings are where all the easy college loan money goes.

  3. Because it's big business and their financial counterparts make big bucks. The scandal includes nepotism and thin-air, do nothing job creation for spouses of administrators lured from elsewhere by headhunters working for colleges. Minority colleges are famous for this.

  4. It may seem like a small thing, but they bring in all their personal mail and packages from home and mail them from the university at taxpayers expense. At the end of the year the cost is in the thousands of dollars. This is especially true of the 'university' near Princess Ann. Everybody knows it but nobody does anything about it.

  5. And you wonder why tuition is sky high

  6. They have become the Communist oligarchs of Amerika.


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