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Monday, July 28, 2014

Obama Golfs with ESPN Hosts as US Evacuates Embassy in Libya

On Saturday, hours after the U.S. embassy in Libya was being evacuated and a day after meeting with Central American presidents to address the border crisis, President Barack Obama golfed with ESPN "Pardon the Interruption" hosts Mike Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser at Congressional Golf Club in Bethesda, Maryland.

Obama has golfed with Messrs. Wilbon and Kornheiser in recent outings, and this is reportedly his first round at the exclusive golf course.

This week, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said that Obama golfs and fundraises during crises because he knows he is "in over his head" as the country's chief executive.

Obama aide Marvin Nicholson, a frequent companion, rounded out the foursome.



  1. Palin is right, he is in over his head and surrounded by knuckleheads like himself. I guess he thought as many others do,'I don`t know whats going on but they`ll train me!' Him and the other Dumbocrats ARE going to get trained in November,"Dumbass 101"! Bob Aswell

  2. Obama needs to read the book called My Pet Goat, maybe he'll wake up.

  3. Just a pure piece of incompetent arrogance at its best. Just wish someone was there with the courage and balls to beast that lying kenyan king's ass with one of his own golf clubs. Nothing but a coward with no honor.

  4. Palin? Really? Palin?

    You have got to be kidding me!

  5. PALIN 3:38 has more integrity and political experience in her little pinky then obomination

  6. yeah Palin 3:38. She right now and has been right on the mark with everything she has previously stated and don't you ever forget it! And because she is right it burns you liberals up 3:38 so all you can do is ridicule and marginalize her without a thing of substance to back up.

  7. He may as well play golf or any other game , he doesn't accomplish a damn thing anyway.

  8. I wish someone would take him out on the back nine!


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