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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Poster in Officer's Club


  1. What a crock. Anyone who think "diversity" is a strength is grossly uniformed and an utter fool.
    People with the same beliefs and goals and morals is what makes a nation strong.
    This is nothing but liberal propaganda aimed at the brain deads who can be socially engineered. Intelligent people who know how it works in the real world know better.

  2. "forced" diversity which is what we actually have in DOD is based on quotas and affirmative action.

  3. Diversity is at the heart of America's demise.

  4. What a bunch of delusional propaganda. Our strength does NOT come from "diversity".
    It comes from a nuclear Navy, an Air Force that can't be stopped, and an Army that is the best equipped force on the planet.
    Stop shoving that diversity crap down our throats. It sounds really good in high school, but I guarantee that military officers want to puke when they have to listen to that.

  5. less than 2% of Americans are Gay why are so many resources being wasted on this sideshow?

  6. This makes me sick and makes me ashamed to be an American.

    This is a National embarrassment.

  7. Why don't we get real about improving opportunities for the black community, or the white community, or the hispanic community? The lgbt members are all also included in those populations so BINGO everybody wins. Only 2%? As much crap is in the news you would think they are a voting majority.


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