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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Catholic Charities Says It Has Space for Immigrant Children In Baltimore Area

As the state works to find places for some of the thousands illegal immigrant children crossing the Texas border into the United States, Catholic Charities in Maryland says it can provide some of them shelter.

The head of Catholic Charities confirmed to WBAL that it has space for about 50 children in Timonium.

They plan to apply to the federal government to put the children at Saint Vincent’s Villa, a facility on Dulaney Valley Road. The facility was used for special needs children.

The Pope earlier this week called the situation a humanitarian emergency and said children need to be protected and welcomed.



  1. Send them to the Pope to take care of!

  2. If there is any taxpayers money involved in housing these illegals then it would be in violation of Church and State Separation laws. PERIOD!

  3. Is Vatican City taking any to support?

  4. This makes me ashamed to be a Catholic!!


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