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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Military Draft?

The Selective Service is apologizing to 14,000 Pennsylvania men who got reminders to register for the military draft. The agency has been fielding calls from bewildered relatives because the men are a bit old for a draft. They were born between 1893 and 1897, making them more than 100 years old. The error happened when the State Department of Motor Vehicles mistakenly sent the agency a batch of records of men born between 1993 and 1997 and failed to specify the century. The Selective Service did not catch the mistake because it saw only the last two digits of the birth years.


  1. Some of you may remember the "Y2K" scare in 1999 when all the computers were expected to crash due to programs that only allowed 2 digits for the year. Looks like dmv hasn't fixed their programs yet.

  2. This doesn't make any sense. If they were born between 1893 and 1897 then they are dead, so who did they apologize to. If the dmv sent records from between 1993 and 1997 why would they need to specify what century.

  3. I'm with you, 11:36, unless somewhere in PA there's 14,000 people who just turned 118! Happy Birthday!!!!

  4. Easy.Just go to whichever cemetery they are in and apologize.

  5. More government incompetence

  6. Careful....big brother is watching every thing you say. Hahaha...this should tell you how competent this government really is.


  7. When they register for the draft they'll also be asked to fill out Voter Registrations.

    Due to age related problems they won't make very good military recruits, but they'll be perfect voters!

    Check out how Philly has more registered voters than residents!


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