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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Homeland Security Going Broke Over Immigration Crisis

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says the immigration crisis on the Texas border is bleeding the agency dry. He tells a Senate hearing, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will run out of money by mid-August unless Congress helps. Customs and Border Protection's money will last until mid-September. The administration has asked for $3.7 billion. Without the emergency dollars, Johnson says DHS would be forced to shift money from other components, threatening the department's ability to operate. Republicans want the money tied to a rapid process for returning unaccompanied children to their home countries.


  1. NO SH!T

    You idiots that keep drooling over Obama and voting for ANY Democrat is the reason this country is in a rapid downward spiral. We don't owe those Mexicans anything. If anything they owe us. Get your soft hearted liberal heads out of your arses. The best thing this country could do right now is to do away with welfare all together.

  2. Why not just close the borders and only let through documented people?

  3. 11:05, you must be joking. that's commonsense. this admin has NO commonsense. again; this was all planned by b.o.

    DO NOT give this admin any more funds for this crap. SECURE THE BORDER PERMANATLY AND THEN WE'LL TALK AND NEGOTIATE A PLAN.

    By the way; take the funds we give these countries that are breaking our laws and use to SECURE OUR BORDER. duh...

  4. it's a simple fix. shoot ANYONE crossing the border.

  5. Anonymous said...
    it's a simple fix. shoot ANYONE crossing the border.

    July 12, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    I love this option.


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