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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Maryland Senator Wages War on Heroin

Senator Barbara Mikulski is seeking to combat the nation's growing heroin crisis.

She's behind an effort to devote millions of federal dollars to the fight in communities across the country like Baltimore.

Citing figures from the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, Mikulski notes heroin use rose nearly 80 percent nationwide between 2007 and 2012.

The office of Maryland's senior U.S. Senator released the following statement:



  1. Ya spend more money to band aid a problem with drugs. Better yet let's open up another methadone clinic so big brother can get his cut

  2. Who even pays attention to this old hag besides brain washed liberals.

  3. How old is this biddy, anyway?

  4. We need to wage war on that little munchkin.

  5. Let's work this to the root cause.

    Heroin is made from Opium.

    Opium is extracted from poppy plants.

    Afghanistan grows 90% or more of the world's poppy crop.

    Afghanistan is controlled by the United States, via our invasion following 9/11. We must have promoted growing Poppy, because production expanded somewhere in the neighborhood of 18x since we got there.

    Under the previous regime, the Taliban, Afghanistan produced about 5% of the world's poppy crop.

    So, at some point, we took over and allowed poppy fields to proliferate.

    Somehow, somebody figured out how to process poppy seeds into heroin in territory that we control. Certainly, lots of people can do this. The US has plenty of resources, but I wouldn't call our abilities exclusive.

    Somehow, somebody figured out how to transport heroin from a US controlled territory to the US itself. Who could do this in the easiest manner possible? The US! If it's somebody else, how did we fail to catch them during export and import?

    Heroin is getting worse because elements in the government profit from it. They encourage crops, production of heroin, and importing it back home. The whole thing is a very sophisticated operation, involving the military failing to see giant fields of colorful flowers, production facilities, etc. And customs agents have to look away, too.

    If we want to fight heroin, we need to stop growing it and sending it back home.

  6. Spend millions to get the drugs to the US.

    Spend millions to "fight" the epidemic?


  7. Make billions selling the drugs, too!

  8. Anyone interested in how government works in this country should watch "House of Cards." Sadly...after being on the inside of politics for one year....I can tell you ....it is SPOT ON. No fiction involved.

  9. 1:44 So, do you want the Taliban back in control of Afghanistan? What kind of Anti-America jihadist are you?

  10. Double speak by Babs. Stop heroin but keep the southern border unguarded so the heroin can flow freely into the country.

  11. @3:12 - Are you saying that because Merica is growing the poppies and making heroin and selling it to your neighbors it's all ok?

    Or are you saying that you'd rather see your friends and family get wounded and die halfway across the world, in a place that doesn't matter, to make heroin, than come home and defend America from enemies foreign and domestic?

  12. The solution is treatment rather than prison for non-criminal users. You'd be surprised how well this is working everywhere it is being done.

  13. all of a sudden Babs has the answers

  14. Take it from a recovered user. The only things that makes a heroin user stop is death or jail. There are a select few the treatment works for. This drug is strong and potent. I use of it your hooked and the physical withdrawal is terrible. If it's not heroin it's pills or methadone these users will get their high somewhere

  15. 5:35
    I agree, but if the drug is more or less available for free at treatment centers, are you still going to rob and steal? No. You are just going to be your miserable self living off of federal assistance (which costs A LOT LESS than enforcement and prisons!) It's probably more humanitarian too, if you decide to take the more liberal angle.

  16. They're going to wage war until they figure out...all the people who do heroin are democrats.


  17. Funny if it were not so tragic and ironic.

    Politicians and potheads repealing or undermining laws at the state level for weed, cuz ya know its harmless!

    And then when that buzz isn't sufficient, we've got every other item under the sun for you to get distanced from reality with, including heroin.

    Total disconnect from reality. We need to teach folks to deal with reality without using a crutch from a bottle, a toke, a pill or a syringe.

    Babs is just babbling; someone check her drool cup!

  18. 8:03, it's good to see the Puritannical thought police are out. We gotta teach these people to think like I do. BTW weed is relatively harmless, unfortunately, in the Bury, u prolly gotta go to ur crack or heroin dealer to find sum.

  19. make the heroin so strong it takes care of the problem. problem solved!

  20. 708 is correct. That's the only reason LE can call it a "gateway drug" even though it's just a plant.

    Oh, and Babs, the war on drugs just celebrated its 50th birthday. You're just now joining this losing cause?

    What a crackpot!


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