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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Many children crossing US border illegally will get to stay, data suggests

New data from immigration courts, as well as individual testimony, indicates that many of the thousands of children undertaking a perilous journey across the U.S. border from Central America will get to stay, despite warnings to the contrary.

The Wall Street Journal reports that data, as well as interviews with the children and their advocates, show that very few children are sent home, with many being allowed to stay in the U.S. for years, if not permanently.

According to Justice Department figures seen by The Wall Street Journal, in fiscal year 2013, immigration judges ordered 3,525 children to be deported, with an additional 888 allowed to return home voluntarily. These numbers pale in comparison with the number of juveniles apprehended, amounting to between 23,000 and 47,000 children apprehended annually in each of the last five years.

The reasons for the children staying included backlogged courts, winning the right to stay, and minors simply ignoring orders to appear in court.



  1. This is just one of the ways Obama is trying to break Americas back.

  2. no surprise here. after all this was all planned in advance by b.o.

  3. He is going to win. We lack the staying power.

  4. they make is sound like 5 yr olds are wandering around aimlessly.
    from the photos many were accompanied by mothers, and others looked to be 15+
    funny how they neglected to mention that there were parents with them.

  5. 12:59, those kids are all 16. They will be voting in 2016 along with Moms.

  6. Conspiracy I'm telling you. Its a conspiracy!!!!!!!

  7. Obama is transporting them into the gerry-mandered Republican districts. The newly voting latino Democrats will take the house from the Republicans. Related story: Refugee camps now forming at Canadian border.


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