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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Carroll Co. Officials Push Back On Shelter For Immigrant Children

Carroll County officials swiftly voiced opposition Friday to news that the federal government is eyeing a former military property near Westminster as a potential shelter for immigrant children — underscoring the challenge the Obama administration faces as it tries to manage a surge of new arrivals.

A day after federal officials notified local leaders it would conduct a preliminary assessment of the vacant Army Reserve Center, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners convened an emergency meeting and, along with Republican Rep. Andy Harris, pledged to resist efforts to use the site.

"Carroll County will not become a repository for Obama's failed immigration policies," said Commissioner Richard Rothschild. He said the idea is "in no way, shape or form approved by the governing body of this county."

The reaction in Carroll County, one of Maryland's Republican strongholds, comes as federal agencies struggle to keep up with an influx of unaccompanied minors — mostly from Central America — who are flooding across the southwestern border.



  1. there's some commonsense in this county...

  2. They didn't want them in Baltimore and neither does Carroll County. I would bet they will be placed in Carroll County. Why?? Because if you remember about a year ago Carroll County made English their official language. They have saved tons of money because they don't have to print everything in all the different languages. This will be a payback for not conforming with the liberal agenda.

  3. Why don't we close the borders and just let documented people pass across into or out of Mexico?

  4. the States and local communities need to bus these people to the border.

  5. Pay close attention. I guarantee these bastards are eying the eastern shore as a potential dumping-ground.

  6. 3:11 Wake up...it already is a cultural melting pot. Some of the resort communities rely solely on the spanish speaking community to keep things running. I would be interested in the criminal statistics of immigrant workers verses drunk tourists.

  7. If Maryland is so set at taking them they should put them in the hotel that Baltimore owns that is losing money and make the federal government pay for it..I mean make the tax payers pay for it.


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