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Sunday, June 22, 2014


Yesterday I took my Grandson into Salisbury to get his haircut at Eric's Barber Shop. As I walked up to feed the meter, this is what we saw on the ground. Between people throwing their trash on the ground and now condoms, Salisbury is becoming a complete DUMP. I'm so happy I sold and got out of the City.  


  1. no one is happier than Salisbury.

  2. This is just disgusting. The whole downtown area is just turning into a slum.

  3. You've got it right Joe, Salisbury is just one big slummy dump.

  4. Evidence that the "street walkers", "crack whores", whatever you choose to call them are alive and well in "the 'bury." Where ever these "ladies" are active the illegal drug trade is flourishing.

  5. And Slim Jim wants more low-rent housing!

  6. This is all over the city and not just down town.
    When dog walking we often have to dodge broken glass from booze bottles, diapers and condoms.

  7. Speaking of trash, the recycle bins in the parking lot of the civic center are jammed packed and overflowing. It was like that on Tuesday when I took my items, and when I drove past today, there were more things piled up. People are putting their things in bags on the ground beside the bins. It looks awful! I wish I had taken a picture and sent it to Joe.

  8. It was their election to lose Joe.

  9. 8:57 Joe couldn't have cleaned this town up. It's been gone too long.

  10. At leased there wont be another person on welfare.. good catch condom but bad throw to trash can.

  11. So glad I left, with a shooting a week, and being such a dump, this defiantly makes you think, Does anyone want to live in such a place"?

  12. This is nothing new. Back in the late 1950's we attended a store front church.My younger brother found a used condom which he picked up mystified in a parking lot used by church and non-church members.There have always been this kind of trashing human behavior and unfortunately there always will be. It is very typical. By the way condoms were found in the lot of which I speak more than once in those days.

  13. Thats the type of people you got and they vote, look at the WH !

  14. At least they used a condom. That is one less mouth I will have to feed on welfare. ::sighs::

  15. You will find that in the nice residential neighborhoods near the college, too.

  16. Disgusting, I was walking not that long ago with my children and found a needle just laying there on the ground by Kmart

  17. Hey, they're practicing safe sex!

  18. too bad their parents did not use a condom.

  19. Sorry folks, but give it up. Been here over ten years now. This place was trash when I got here. It's still trash now. No small town appeal. No college town appeal. No personality or character at all. Just another drab collection of alot of people either scraping to get by or totally down and out.

  20. Hey lets build a waterfront condo building for lazy artists that contribute nothing to society...that will fix everything.

  21. there are a lot of good people in this area. they sometimes get over shadowed by all the bad but they are here. lose a dog and ask for help and you will find them


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