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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Six Police Vehicles And 8 Officer

I just received a call from a viewer telling me they are right now witnessing eight police officers in six police cars arresting ONE woman in Salisbury. 

One has to wonder just how many Salisbury officers it would take to change a light bulb? 

It's no wonder your Mayor NEEDS to raise your taxes for more officers. This is what you get when you have a Mayor with NO business background. 


  1. That could be like the Hannibal Lector of women there.

  2. And just remember,it took at least a dozen to go fishing.

  3. Why do we need more officers anyway, if crime is down like they said it is?

  4. Well then it must be true.....

  5. Slow police day.. or she had a bag of donuts.

  6. police state to show you force... that is the whole point of 6 to 8 or 10 officers to arrest 1 person...

    But i guess us conspiracy people didn't know what we were talking about when we said this to you huh? Oh i bet you believe us now don't you...

    They have to show force which is why someone fakes a bomb at the mall while two banks south got robbed... and you wonder why people hate cops and the fact that they are morons...

  7. Just as logical as Ladder Trucks, and pumpers going out for a simple non-injury car accident or a heart attack! Stupid is as stupid does! Welcome to the Eastern Shore!

  8. depends on the woman, 8 may not be enough!

  9. I was at Three Lower Counties (TLC) yesterday. They had someone who had a fit about something and they had one fire engine and an ambulance there. We needed some cops too. Once my wife hit the side of a van and there were 8 cops 3 fire engines and an ambulance. Nobody went to the hospital and all they did was write her a $175 ticket, Now we know it takes 8 cops to write a ticket. Sheamus

  10. 3:15 This... there are some bulldogs here on the Shore.


  12. You have a gay mayor , a lady chief of police , need I say more?
    California is in about the same


  13. If it was really serious they'd get the bikes unlocked and man the fahr boat.

    Probably someone who got no patties in her whopper!

  14. Lots of stupid leadership on the shore!

  15. They have to may officers now and can't give them comparable pay to other police agencies and the mayor wants more.

  16. A little off topic, but did anyone else see the black armored SUV on a flat trailer being pulled by a Salisbury City Vehicle. I saw it a few days ago on Rt. 50 just north of Salisbury.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A little off topic, but did anyone else see the black armored SUV on a flat trailer being pulled by a Salisbury City Vehicle. I saw it a few days ago on Rt. 50 just north of Salisbury.

    June 19, 2014 at 8:15 PM

    rt 50 goes east/west through the middle of Salisbury and you seen it on 50 north of town? I don't think so.

    1. Bypass rt 50 north of Salisbury

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lots of stupid leadership on the shore!

    June 19, 2014 at 7:31 PM

    You get what you vote for citizen.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bypass rt 50 north of Salisbury

    June 19, 2014 at 11:32 PM

    aha. now I understand. thanks for the clarification.

  20. Let me guess, attractive and in a bikini.

  21. Joe off subject but what's the scoop on Bryan Adkins being sued by Baracha (sp) Homes for alot of money? Let us know


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