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Monday, June 16, 2014

The next 'inevitable 9/11 attack' will come from Iraq and Syria

The next 9/11-style terrorist attack will come from Iraq and Syria if the Iraqi government collapses, Senator Lindsey Graham said on Sunday.

'According to our own Director of National Intelligence, FBI director, the next 9/11 is coming from here,' Graham (R-S.C.) said to Bob Schieffer on CBS's 'Face the Nation.'

When asked about his personal opinion, Graham said he agreed with that statement and that another 9/11 attack was 'inevitable.'

'The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all over Iraq and Syria,' he said.

Graham made the remarks while speaking about militant Sunni group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria's (ISIS) movement toward Baghdad.



  1. True,but by virtue of orders by the Soviet Union.

  2. We reap what we sow. A century of generally terrible foreign policy decisions.

  3. While he is probably correct, Lindsey Grahamnasty has lost creditability. He is an Establishment politician and he has to go! Lindsey speaks and nobody listens.

  4. Are we at war again in Iraq? Things I've read over the last few days suggest that it's coming or already happening.

  5. These attracts people are so scared of coming out of the middle east are happening right now on our USA soil as we speak . the media has down played them even not reported on them. Our power grid has been attacked on more then one occasion with the latest attack being last night in Arizona with the use of a bomb. Have you heard about it? Is it front page news ? No its not ! Simply because our king Obama has placed orders to downplay such things.
    I could go on and on about this subject even recite multiple instances of attacks against USA soil in the last year alone. Its sad to say but I think this country is heading for something far worse then 9\11. I think it will come in the forum of people standing up to our government in revolution.

  6. Obama has been weaponizing these groups for two years!
    What did anyone expect them to do?


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