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Monday, June 16, 2014

Taliban slice off 11 people's fingers as punishment for voting

The Taliban cut off the fingers of 11 people as punishment for voting in Afghanistan’s presidential election.

The barbaric attacks were in the western Herat province after Saturday’s vote, according to police.
In violence marring the poll, another 47 people died in a series of rocket barrages and scattered attacks.

Interior minister Mohammad Umar Daudzai said the victims included 20 civilians and an election worker. He added that 60 militants were killed.



  1. The religion of peace strikes again...

  2. Proof that we never accomplished a thing.

  3. If the current Administration had it's way.. they will do the same here... Stop this Administration Now. Write your Congressmen!!!!

  4. The Obama Administration just strips us of our dignity and self worth. Those are things that we can't do without.


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