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Monday, June 23, 2014

The IRS Had a Contract With an Email Backup Company

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said it can't provide emails sent between 2009 and 2011 that were requested by congressional investigators because of hard drive crashes.

The agency said that emails stored on dead drives were lost forever because its email backup tapes were recycled every six months, and employees were responsible for keeping their own long-term archives.

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005,according to FedSpending.org, which lists the contract as being for "automatic data processing services." Sonasoft's motto is "email archiving done right," and the company lists the IRS as a customer.



  1. Just another cover up. Obama told them to lose the emails so no one finds out he ordered them to target conservatives.

  2. Look, they don't even need to go there. this is just another source as the system servers at the IRS will have the emails. To try say that the emails are not available is just not true. They need to just say enough is enough.... We the people need to say, enough is enough... Throw somebody's ass in jail until the servers are turned over.

  3. We the people have been put in a position,which by design does not give us a say beyond voting.


  4. And this company's longstanding contract was cancelled within a few days after the first inquiry from the House committee about Lerner's activities.




  5. 10:13 - you are correct.. Please get as many people as possible to vote tomorrow and in November. Make sure Andy Harris knows his turn and his inaction and political correctness is not going unnoticed!

  6. 121, it takes a little time and perspiration, but it's still on the hard drive. I've done it, and I'm 60. My son could have done it in half the time.

    If I had failed to get it back, I would have handed it to the youngest person in the room, not ground it up on a shredder.

    That's just common sense!

  7. 1:21 you must be a real idiot if you think they are telling the truth. There was no crash and no lost emails.This was done on purpose to hide how corrupt this Obama administration really is.


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