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Monday, June 23, 2014

The Feds Wanted to Turn This Hotel into a Refugee Camp…But They Made a Major Error

Searching for places to house the “overwhelm[ing]” influx of Mexican and Central American children crossing the U.S. southern border without parents or guardians, government officials scouted out an abandoned hotel in Grand Island, New York on Friday.

Or at least the government thought the hotel was abandoned.

As it turned out, the 263-room Byblos Niagara Resort and Spa was fully booked.

“It looks like there’s been a mistake,” federal agents with the Homeland Security Department and the Border Patrol told the hotel manager, according to the Buffalo News.

“They were thinking the hotel was abandoned and closed,” the manager said.



  1. House them... why? Send them home, do not pass go, collect NO MONEY or anything from the US.

  2. Send several dozen illegals to Obama's Chicago home since it is empty while he is in the White House.


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